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File: src/ignore_en.txt

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  Classes of Peter Kahl   Multibyte Keyword Generator   src/ignore_en.txt   Download  
File: src/ignore_en.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Documentation
Class: Multibyte Keyword Generator
Extract meta keywords from multi-byte texts
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 2,626 bytes



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able about above act add afraid after again against age ago agree all almost alone along already also although always amount and anger angry animal another answer any appear apple are arm arms around arrive arrived ask attempt aunt away back bad bag bay became because become been before began begin behind being bell belong below beside best better between beyond big body bone born borrow both bottom box boy break bring brought bug built busy but buy call came can cause choose close close come consider consider considerable contain continue could cry cut dare dark deal dear decide deep did die does dog done doubt down during each ear early eat effort either else end enjoy enough enter etc even ever every except exclude excluding expect expected expecting explain fail fall far fat favor favorite favour favourite fear feel feet fell felt few fill find fit fly follow for forever forget from front full fully gave get gives goes gone good got gray great green grew grow guess had half hang happen has hat have hear heard held hello help her here hers high highest highly hill him his hit hold hot how however ill include included included including indeed instead into iron its just keep kept knew know known late least led left lend less let lets like likely lone long longer look lot make many may mean met might mile mine moon more most move much must near nearly necessary neither never next none nor not note notes nothing now number off often once only other ought our ours out please prepare probable probably pull pure push put raise raises ran rather reach realize reply require rest run runs said same sat saw say see seem seen self sell sent separate set shall she should shouldnt side sign since sit sits sold some soon sorry stand stands stay step stick still stood such sudden suddenly suppose take takes taken talk tall tell ten than thank that thats the their them then there therefore these they this those though through till today told tomorrow too took tore tought toward tried tries trust try turn two under until upon use usual various verb very visit want was well went were what when where whether which while white who whom whos whose why will with within without would yes yet you young your yours