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File: ReadFirst.txt

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File: ReadFirst.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: A text file that should be read before use.
Class: EMovies
Retrieve information about movies from Yahoo
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 1,726 bytes



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--Readme.txt-- EMoviews V3.0 Coded by Jim aka FrosT ( Site: Change Notes: EMovies has been totally revamped to run with ETS, easy tempalte system. EMovies is now completely OOP ran, questions, suggestions feel free to email me. Install: Simply modify the Config.php with the correct values what you want, then if you wish modify the template files (revtemp.tpl and lstemp.tpl) to go with your design, also the emovstyle.css runs the colors, changing that should take care of any color issues. A suggestion, backup the template files before modifying so you always have something to revert back to if needed. Once the config.php is modified to fit your site then upload emovies to a directory IE: movies or any directory of your choice, besure to show that in the config.php DO NOT RE-DISTRIBUTE. Please keep copyright information in-tact simply so people can find us. This is a webfetch script. THERE IS NO GURANTEE THIS SCRIPT WILL WORK FOREVER! This feeds directly off of, so beaware you can be BANNED FROM YAHOO's server. We take no responsibility for you not asking for permision to use the script. You are paying for a program, not the access. Questions, as always feel free to email me. Final Note: Kindness to me will go farther than you can imagine. So please no threats, just ask. I have the right to not make any more updates if changes something. I also have the right to not supply updates to people who threaten, degrade, or disrespects me in any way. Thank you for buying EMovies V3. I hope you get what you wanted. Using this script in anyway binds you to the contract signed before purchasing. Thank you.