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File: test_html_mail_message.php

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  Classes of Manuel Lemos   MIME E-mail message sending   test_html_mail_message.php   Download  
File: test_html_mail_message.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script of how to send HTML e-mail messages.
Class: MIME E-mail message sending
PHP mailer to compose and send MIME messages
Author: By
Last change: Updated the URLs of the example images.
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 7,477 bytes



Class file image Download
 * test_html_mail_message.php
 * @(#) $Header: /opt2/ena/metal/mimemessage/test_html_mail_message.php,v 1.15 2012/09/15 09:15:48 mlemos Exp $


 * Trying to guess your e-mail address.
 * It is better that you change this line to your address explicitly.
 * $from_address="";
 * $from_name="My Name";


 * Change these lines or else you will be mailing the class author.
$to_name="Manuel Lemos";

$subject="Testing Manuel Lemos' MIME E-mail composing and sending PHP class: HTML message";
$email_message=new email_message_class;

 * Set the Return-Path header to define the envelope sender address to which bounced messages are delivered.
 * If you are using Windows, you need to use the smtp_message_class to set the return-path address.


 * An HTML message that requires any dependent files to be sent,
 * like image files, style sheet files, HTML frame files, etc..,
 * needs to be composed as a multipart/related message part.
 * Different parts need to be created before they can be added
 * later to the message.
 * Parts can be created from files that can be opened and read.
 * The data content type needs to be specified. The can try to guess
 * the content type automatically from the file name.
 * You can set the Cache option if you are going to send the same message
 * to multiple users but this file part does not change.

 * Parts that need to be referenced from other parts,
 * like images that have to be hyperlinked from the HTML,
 * are referenced with a special Content-ID string that
 * the class creates when needed.

 * Many related file parts may be embedded in the message.
 * You can set the Cache option if you are going to send the same message
 * to multiple users but this file part does not change.

 * Related file parts may also be embedded in the actual HTML code in the
 * form of URL like those referenced by the SRC attribute of IMG tags.
 * This example is commented out because not all mail programs support
 * this method of embedding images in HTML messages.
 * $image=array(
 * "FileName"=>"",
 * "Content-Type"=>"automatic/name",
 * );
 * $image_data_url=$email_message->GetDataURL($image);

 * Use different identifiers to reference different related file parts.
 * Some e-mail programs do not support setting the background image in the
 * body tag or style. A workaround consists on using a table with 100%
 * with the background attribute set to the image URL.

 * The URL of referenced parts in HTML starts with cid:
 * followed by the Contentp-ID string. Notice the image link below.
<style type=\"text/css\"><!--
body { color: black ; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif ; background-color: #A3C5CC }
A:link, A:visited, A:active { text-decoration: underline }
<table background=\"
$background_image_content_id\" width=\"100%\">
<P>Hello "
.strtok($to_name," ").",<br><br>
This message is just to let you know that the <a href=\"\">MIME E-mail message composing and sending PHP class</a> is working as expected.<br><br>
<center><h2>Here is an image embedded in a message as a separate part:</h2></center>
<center><img src=\"cid:"
 * This example of embedding images in HTML messages is commented out
 * because not all mail programs support this method.
 * <center><h2>Here is an image embedded directly in the HTML:</h2></center>
 * <center><img src=\"".$image_data_url."\"></center>
"Thank you,<br>

 * It is strongly recommended that when you send HTML messages,
 * also provide an alternative text version of HTML page,
 * even if it is just to say that the message is in HTML,
 * because more and more people tend to delete HTML only
 * messages assuming that HTML messages are spam.
$text_message="This is an HTML message. Please use an HTML capable mail program to read this message.";

 * Multiple alternative parts are gathered in multipart/alternative parts.
 * It is important that the fanciest part, in this case the HTML part,
 * is specified as the last part because that is the way that HTML capable
 * mail programs will show that part and not the text version part.

 * All related parts are gathered in a single multipart/related part.

 * One or more additional parts may be added as attachments.
 * In this case a file part is added from data provided directly from this script.
"Data"=>"This is just a plain text attachment file named attachment.txt .",
 * You can set the Cache option if you are going to send the same message
 * to multiple users but this file part does not change.

 * The message is now ready to be assembled and sent.
 * Notice that most of the functions used before this point may fail due to
 * programming errors in your script. You may safely ignore any errors until
 * the message is sent to not bloat your scripts with too much error checking.
"Error: $error\n";
"Message sent to $to_name\n";