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File: admin/js/cliq.js

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File: admin/js/cliq.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CliqonV4
Framework with modules to build Web applications
Author: By
Last change: Added support for Blog

Added support for Blog and other changes
Support for User Unit Test module
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 115,905 bytes



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/** Cliq.Js * Ctrl K4 to fold */ /** Cliqon Functions - cliq() * cliq.x() - app and utility functions, including: * * notyMsg = msg(usroptions) * jsPanelWin = win(usroptions) * ******************************************************************************************************************/ var Cliq = (function($) { // initialise // var shared values var cfg = { useCaching: true, idioms: {}, langcd: jlcd, search: '', table: '', tabletype: '', displaytype: '', action: '', spinner: new Spinner(), formid: 'columnform', df: new Object, // Form dc: new Object, // Card dt: new Object, // Tree or Table etc dl: new Object, // List da: new Object, // Calendar dg: new Object, // Gallery or Grid dp: 1, // For Panels and Windows dz: {}, opts: {}, data: {}, app: {}, result: {}, row: {}, evt: {}, subdir: 'tmp/', uploadurl: '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/fileupload/dbuser/', filescollection: 'file', // Datatable pagination and operational defaults orderby: 'c_reference|asc', search: '', select: new Array, records: { offset: 0, limit: 15, start: 1, end: 15, total: 0, page: 1, totpages: 1 }, pager: { size: 3, recs: 15 }, bingkey: '', gmapsapi: '' }; var _set = function(key, value) { cfg[key] = value; return cfg[key]; }; var _get = function(key) { return cfg[key]; }; var _config = function() { return cfg; }; /** Page, Table and Tree Routines * * dataGrid() * dataTree() * dataTable() * dataCard() * dataList() * * calendar() * gallery() * *************************************************************************************/ /** DataGrid * * @param - * @return - **/ var dataGrid = function(gridOptions) { cfg.opts = gridOptions; cfg.dg = $('#datagrid').grid(cfg.opts); $('.gridbutton').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); Cliq.gridButton(this); }); }; /** DataTree * * @param - * @return - **/ var dataTree = function(treeOptions) { console.log('Tree loaded '+cfg.treetype); cfg.opts = treeOptions; cfg.dt = $('#datatree'); if(cfg.treetype == 'gjtree') { cfg.dt.gjtree(cfg.opts); } else { // jqtree cfg.dt.tree({ dataUrl: { url: cfg.opts.dataurl, data: { 'treetype': cfg.treetype, 'table': cfg.table, 'tabletype': cfg.tabletype, } }, closedIcon: $('<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>'), openedIcon: $('<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-down"></i>'), dragAndDrop: true, autOpen: 0, onCreateLi: function(node, $li, is_selected) { var tpl = ''; var cells = explode('|',; $.each(cells, function(key, itm) { tpl += `<span class="ml5 table-cell" style="vertical-align:bottom;">`+itm+`</span>`; }); $li.find('.jqtree-element').append(tpl+'<span style="vertical-align:bottom;" class="mb0" data-id="''">'+cfg.opts.icons+'</span>'); } }); // Tree is Mounted, respond to events cfg.dt.on('click', '.treeicon', function(evt) { evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); var recid = $(this).closest('span').data('id'); var action = $(this).data('action'); rowicon(evt, recid, action); }); // This binds the move to cfg.dt.bind( 'tree.move', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); // do the move first, and _then_ POST back. event.move_info.do_move(); = $(this).tree('toJson'); cfg.evt = event; saveTree(); } ); } }; /** DataTable * * @param - * @return - **/ var dataTable = function(tableOptions) { cfg.opts = tableOptions; cfg.records = cfg.opts.records; // var pageselect = explode(',', cfg.opts.pager); cfg.dt = new Vue({ el: '#'+cfg.opts.tableId, data: { cols: cfg.opts.columns, rows: {}, rowicons: cfg.opts.rowicons, records: { recordstxt: lstr[143], fromtxt: lstr[140], totxt: lstr[142], start: cfg.records.start, end: cfg.records.end, total: }, selected: cfg.records.limit, pagerselect: cfg.opts.pagerselect }, methods: { // Search, sort and filter buttons searchbutton: function(event) { cfg.records.offset = 0; var colname = $('id'); = colname+'|'+$('input[data-name="'+colname+'"]').val(); loadTableData(); }, // Clear the search field clearbutton: function(event) { var colname = $('id'); $('input[data-name="'+colname+'"]').val(''); if( != '') { = ''; loadTableData(); } }, // Row Buttons rowbutton: function(event, row) { var dta = $(; return rowicon(event, dta.recid, dta.action, dta); }, // Sort or Order buttons sortbutton: function(event) { var colname = $('id'); cfg.opts.orderby = colname+'|asc'; loadTableData(); } }, mounted: function() { loadTableData(); // softblue $('#pageselect').on('change', function(evt) { cfg.records.limit = $(this).val(); loadTableData(); }) } }); }; /** DataList * * @param - * @return - **/ var dataList = function(listOptions) { cfg.opts = listOptions; cfg.records = cfg.opts.records; cfg.dt = new Vue({ el: '#'+cfg.opts.tableId, data: { addbutton: lstr[16], rows: {}, listicons: cfg.opts.listicons, records: { recordstxt: lstr[143], fromtxt: lstr[140], totxt: lstr[142], start: cfg.records.start, end: cfg.records.end, total: }, selected: cfg.records.limit, pagerselect: cfg.opts.pagerselect }, methods: { // Search, sort and filter buttons searchbutton: function(event) { cfg.records.offset = 0; = 'c_reference|'+$('#searchfield').val(); loadTableData(); }, // Clear the search field clearbutton: function(event) { $('#searchfield').val(''); if( != '') { = ''; loadTableData(); } }, listButton: function(evt, collection, key, action) { var dta = $(; return rowicon(evt,, action, dta); }, // All top buttons by action topButton: function(e, action) { switch(action) { case "addrecord": Cliqf.crudButton(0, 'insert'); break; case "helpbutton": helpButton(); break; case "resetbutton": reLoad(); break; case "printbutton": Cliqr.printRecords(); break; default: msg({type: 'information', buttons: false, text: action}); break; }; return true; } }, mounted: function() { loadTableData(); $('#pageselect').on('change', function(evt) { cfg.records.limit = $(this).val(); loadTableData(); }) } }); }; /** DataCard * Publishes a series of Panels in a grid * @param - object - options passed to the function from the calling PHP * @return - HTML to populate the id: admindesktop **/ var dataCard = function(cardOptions) { cfg.opts = cardOptions; // console.log(; var dta = cfg.opts; cfg.dc = new Vue({ el: '#datacard', data: { admdatacards:, admfooter: lstr[16] }, methods: { // Displays popup window with contents of c_document, usually JSON, in a formatted and easily readable style viewButton: function(evt, collection, key) { Cliqv.viewButton(; }, editButton: function(evt, collection, key) { Cliqf.crudButton(, 'update'); }, deleteButton: function(evt, collection, key) { Cliqf.deleteButton(; }, topButton: function(e, action) { switch(action) { case "addrecord": Cliqf.crudButton(0, 'insert'); break; case "helpbutton": helpButton(); break; case "reportbutton": Cliqr.printRecords(); break; case "resetbutton": reLoad(); break; default: msg({type: 'information', buttons: false, text: action}); break; } } }, mounted: function() { $('.fit').each(function(e) { var id = $(this).attr('id'); $('#'+id).flowtype({minimum: 200, maximum: 580, minFont: 14, maxFont: 40}); }); } }); // End Vue routine }; /** Calendar * now using DHTMLX Scheduler instead of FullCalendar - better presentation and handling of data * @param - * @return - **/ var calendar = function(calOptions) { cfg.opts = calOptions; console.log(cfg.opts); = cfg.opts.xtra; // cfg.opts = $(cfg.opts).not(cfg.opts.xtra).get(); $.each(cfg.opts.config, function(key, val) { scheduler.config[key] = val; }); $.each(cfg.opts.locale.labels, function(key, val) { scheduler.locale.labels[key] = val; }); // default values for filters var filters = {}; $.each(, function(key, val) { filters[key] = val; }); /* Change in Admin.Php var filter_inputs = document.getElementById("filters_wrapper").getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i=0; i<filter_inputs.length; i++) { var filter_input = filter_inputs[i]; // set initial input value based on filters settings filter_input.checked = filters[]; // attach event handler to update filters object and refresh view (so filters will be applied) filter_input.onchange = function() { filters[] = !!this.checked; scheduler.updateView(); } }; // here we are using single function for all filters but we can have different logic for each view scheduler.filter_month = scheduler.filter_day = scheduler.filter_week = function(id, event) { // display event only if its type is set to true in filters obj // or it was not defined yet - for newly created event if (filters[event.type] || event.type == scheduler.undefined) { return true; } // default, do not display event return false; }; // Template needs developing scheduler.config.lightbox.sections = [ {name:"text", height:30, map_to:"text", type:"textarea", focus:true}, {name:"url", height:30, map_to:"url", type:"textarea"}, {name:"description", height:130, map_to:"details", type:"textarea"}, {name:"type", height:23, type:"select", options:, default_value: "task", map_to:"type" }, {name:"time", height:72, type:"time", map_to:"auto"} ]; */ scheduler.templates.tooltip_date_format ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s"); $("#admincalendar").dhx_scheduler({ xml_date:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%i", date:new Date(), mode:"month" }); scheduler.load('/ajax/'+jlcd+'/getcalendardata/'+cfg.table+'/'+cfg.tabletype+'/', 'json'); $('#export_pdf').on('click', function() { scheduler.toPDF("", "color"); }); // fires when the user adds a new event to the scheduler scheduler.attachEvent("onEventAdded", function(id, ev){ return manageEvent(ev, id, 'insert'); }); // occurs after the user has edited an event and saved the changes // after clicking on the edit and save buttons in the event's bar or in the details window scheduler.attachEvent("onEventChanged", function(id, ev){ return manageEvent(ev, id, 'update'); }); scheduler.attachEvent("onEventDeleted", function(id){ return manageEvent({}, id, 'delete'); }); /* scheduler.attachEvent("onClick", function (id, e) { manageEvent(e, id, 'view'); return true; }); */ }; /** Gallery * our own Gallery with Vue, not Galeria. Still best to use this for front end * @param - * @return - **/ var gallery = function(galOptions) { cfg.opts = galOptions; console.log(; cfg.dg = new Vue({ el: '#gallery', data: { admimages: }, methods: { editRecord: function(evt, collection) { Cliqf.crudButton(, 'update'); }, deleteRecord: function(evt, collection) { Cliqf.deleteButton(; } }, mounted: function() { $('.topbutton').on('click', function(e) { var action = $(this).attr('id'); switch(action) { // Displays popup window with contents of c_document, usually JSON, in a formatted and easily readable style case "resetbutton": reLoad(); break; case "addrecord": Cliqf.crudButton(0, 'insert'); break; case "helpbutton": helpButton(); break; case "reportbutton": Cliqr.displayImages(); break; } }) } }); // End Vue routine }; /** Events * * topbtn() * rowbtn() * rowicon() * helpButton() * utilButton() * **********************************************************************************************************/ /** Top of Page Buttons * Reacts to top button a table or tree * @param - object - the button * @return - the activity **/ var topbtn = function(btn) { var dta = $(btn).data(); switch(dta.action) { case "addrecord": case "addbutton": cfg.formid = dta.formid; cfg.formtype = dta.formtype; return Cliqf.crudButton(0, 'insert'); break; case "editrecord": case "editbutton": cfg.formid = dta.formid; cfg.formtype = dta.formtype; return Cliqf.crudButton(dta.recid, 'update'); break; case "helpbutton": helpButton(); break; case "resetbutton": reLoad(); break; case "savetree": if(cfg.treetype == 'jqtree') { = cfg.dt.tree('toJson'); saveTree(); } else { // gjtree } break; case "reportbutton": if( $(btn).data('type') ) { var type = $(btn).data('type'); Cliqr.runReport(type); } else { Cliqr.printRecords(); } break; case "utilbutton": utilButton(btn); break; // More top buttons here case "addbuttonce": cfg.formid = dta.formid; cfg.formtype = dta.formtype; return Cliqf.creatorButton(0, 'insert'); break; case "userprofile": cfg.formid = '#dataform'; cfg.formtype = 'popupform'; cfg.table = 'dbuser'; cfg.tabletype = ''; console.log(dta.uid); return Cliqf.crudButton(dta.uid, 'update'); break; // Group of Admin jStrings buttons case "admjs_addbutton": editTable(btn, 'add'); break; case "admjs_helpbutton": cfg.table = 'admjstrings'; cfg.tabletype = ''; helpButton(); break; case "admjs_resetbutton": $('th input').val(''); cfg.dg.reload(); break; case "admjs_reportbutton": cfg.table = 'admjstrings'; cfg.tabletype = ''; success('AdminjStrings Report to do'); break; // Group of Site Update buttons case "siteupd_helpbutton": cfg.table = 'admsiteupdate'; cfg.tabletype = ''; helpButton(); break; case "siteupd_resetbutton": success('Reset Site Update display'); break; case "siteupd_reportbutton": cfg.table = 'admsiteupdate'; cfg.tabletype = ''; success('Site Update report'); break; case "repdes_helpbutton": cfg.table = 'reportdesigner'; cfg.tabletype = ''; helpButton(); break; case "newreportbutton": var urlstr = '/admindesktop/'+jlcd+'/reportdesigner/dbitem/report'; uLoad(urlstr); break; case "savedreportsbutton": Cliqr.displayReports(); break; case "cancel": case "addarticle": case "editarticle": case "viewarticle": return Cliqb.actionButton(dta); break; // Ends default: success(dta.action); break; } }; /** Top of Grid buttons * Reacts to top button a table or tree * @param - object - the button * @return - the activity **/ var gridbtn = function(btn) { var dta = $(btn).data(); switch(dta.action) { case "changetable": cfg.table = dta.table; $('#gridtitle').empty().html(cfg.table); return cfg.dg.reload({table:cfg.table}); break; // Ends default: success(action); break; } }; /** Generic Row Button for Grids etc. with extra params, pointer to rowicon * @param - object - Event * @internal - pointer for rowicon as grids have to interrogated for recid and action **/ var rowbtn = function(e) { var recid = $(e).closest('tr').find('td:first').text(); var dta = $(e).data(); rowicon(e, recid, dta.action, dta); }; /** Generic Row Icon for Tables etc. * @param - object - Event * @param - array - Row data * @return the the action **/ var rowicon = function(event, recid, action, dta) { cfg.recid = recid; switch(action) { // Edit Button case "editrecord": return Cliqf.crudButton(recid, 'update'); break; // Main Content Editor case "editcontent": return Cliqf.contentButton(recid); break; // Main Content Editor case "editcode": return Cliqf.codeButton(recid); break; // Run Report case "runreport": return Cliqr.runReport(recid); break; // Delete case "deleterecord": return Cliqf.deleteButton(recid); break; // View case "viewrecord": return Cliqv.viewButton(recid); break; // Restore case "restorerecord": return Cliqf.restoreButton(recid); break; // Add Child case "addchild": Cliqf.crudButton(recid, 'addchild'); break; // Lot more cases here // Edit Button case "editrecordce": return Cliqf.creatorButton(recid, 'update'); break; // Displays popup window with contents of c_document, usually JSON, in a formatted and easily readable style case "viewcontent": return Cliqv.viewButton(recid); break; // Blog - uses pageform case "editarticle": case "viewarticle": Cliqb.actionButton(dta); break; // Responds to clicks to change c_status for a recordset row, default: return actionButton(dta); break; } // End Switch } /** Generic Help Button * **/ var helpButton = function() { var urlstr = "/ajax/"+jlcd+"/gethelp/"+cfg.table+"/"+cfg.tabletype+"/"; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500).type('json') .data({type:'admhelp', table: 'dbcollection'}) // .data({type:'help', table: 'dbitem'}) // Frontend when copied .on('40x', function(response) { error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(match !== true) { var opts = { content: response.html, contentSize: { width: 400, height: 400 }, headerTitle: '<span class="">'+lstr[4]+'</span>' }; var helpPopup = win(opts); } else { error( 'Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); }; }).go(); } /** Utilities Button * @param - object - Dropdown link item * @return - mixed - HTML and or Javascript **/ var utilButton = function(evt) { var type = $(evt).data('type'); switch(type) { case "deleteevent": case "printcalendar": store.session.set('utilitiesaction', action); var opts = { contentAjax: { url: '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/get'+action+'/'+cfg.table+'/'+cfg.tabletype+'/', autoload: true, method: 'GET', dataType: 'html' }, contentSize: { width: 600, height: 500 }, headerTitle: action }; var formPopup = win(opts); break; case "deletebefore": var params = { table: 'dbarchive', tabletype: '', type: 'deletebefore', // deletebefore recid: 0, action: 'deletebefore', before: '-60', displaytype: 'datatable', msg: lstr[107]+' -60D' }; Cliqf.deleteRecords(params); break; case "changepassword": var dta = $("#cliqontable tbody tr td").find('input:checkbox:checked').data(); Cliqf.changePasswordButton(dta.uname,,; break; case "changestatus": var dta = $("#cliqontable tbody tr td").find('input:checkbox:checked').data(); Cliqf.changeStatusButton(; break; default: success(type); break; } } /** Conversion Button * **/ var convertButton = function(recid) { var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/tomlconverter/'; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(10000).type('json') .on('40x', function(response) { error(lstr[1450]+' - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(match !== true) { var opts = { content: response.html, contentSize: { width: 600, height: 600 }, headerTitle: '<span class="">Converter</span>', callback: function() { $('#filetree').tree({ data:, closedIcon: $('<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>'), openedIcon: $('<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-down"></i>'), dragAndDrop: false, selectable: true, saveState: true, autOpen: 0 }); $('#filetree').bind('', function(evt) { if (evt.node) { // node was selected var node = evt.node; alert(; } else {} }) $('#filetojson').on('click', function(e) { }); $('#filetotoml').on('click', function(e) { }); $('#copyfilecontent').on('click', function(e) { }); return true; } }; var helpPopup = win(opts); } else { error( 'Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); }; }).go(); } /** Generic Grid, Table, List etc,. action button * probably use this for internal App purposes * how to role this out to others ??? * **/ var actionButton = function(dta) { switch(dta.action) { case "changedisplay": case "changeoptions": case "changecategory": case "changelevel": case "changegroup": case "changestatus": Cliqf.selectButton(cfg, dta); break; default: var myfn = 'Cliqp.'+dta.action+'(cfg, dta)'; jQuery.globalEval('('+myfn+')'); break; } } /** Subroutines * * onSuccessFn() * onErrorFn() * manageCollection() * manageEvent() * collectionAction() - to be reviewed * saveTree() * loadTableData() * - tablePagination() * - pagerText() * **********************************************************************************************************/ var onSuccessFn = function(response) { success(response); }; var onErrorFn = function(response) { error(response); }; /** * Manage Collection * create, edit, view (and print), delete **/ var manageCollection = function(action, id) { var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/collectionform/dbcollection/collection/?action='+action+'&recid='+id; return aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500) .on('40x', function(response) { error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('200', function(response) { // first argument to the success callback is the json data object returned by the server if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(match !== true) { // Create a working ID, delete any existing record with that ID, // Create and save a working Collection record for persistence = { formdata:, formbuttons:, fielddata:, formkeys: array_keys(, }; store.set(sessid+'_currentformdata',; store.set(sessid+'_currentielddata',; // Displaying the raw HTML $('#admindesktop').empty().html(response.html); // Populate form fields = new Vue({ el: '#form_collection', data: }); // Populate form buttons = new Vue({ el: '#form_buttons', data: {formbuttons:}, methods: { formButton: function(evt, action) { collectionButton(evt, action); } } }); // Populate column fields = new Vue({ el: '#field_collection', data: {collectionfields:}, methods: { fieldButton: function(evt, action) { collectionButton(evt, action); } } }); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); }; }).go(); }; var manageEvent = function(ev, recid, action) { switch(action) { case "insert": case "update": var urlstr = '/ajax/'+cfg.langcd+'/postform/'+cfg.table+'/'+cfg.tabletype+'/'; var frmData = new FormData(); // All the necessary fields if(action == 'insert') { frmData.set('c_type', cfg.tabletype); frmData.set('c_level', '50:50:50'); frmData.set('id', 0); frmData.set('c_status', 'active'); frmData.set('c_order', 'zz'); frmData.set('c_parent', '0'); frmData.set('c_options', ''); frmData.set('c_version', '0'); frmData.set('c_lastmodified', ''); frmData.set('c_whomodified', ''); frmData.set('c_notes', 'Created by Calendar'); frmData.set('c_reference', recid); } else { frmData.set('id', recid); } frmData.set('action', action); frmData.set('c_category', ev.type); frmData.set('d_datefrom', moment(ev.start_date).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')); frmData.set('d_dateto', moment(ev.end_date).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')); frmData.set('d_title', ev.text); frmData.set('d_url', ev.url); frmData.set('c_common', ev.text); frmData.set('d_description', ev.details); $.ajax({ url: urlstr, data: frmData, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', async: false, timeout: 25000, success: function(response, statusText, xhr) { // first argument to the success callback is the json data object returned by the server if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { success('Database updated successfully: ' + JSON.stringify(; } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+JSON.stringify(response.msg)) }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+JSON.stringify(response)) }; }, error: function(xhr, status, text) { var response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); error(JSON.stringify(response.msg)); return false; } }); break; case "delete": var urlstr = '/ajax/'+cfg.langcd+'/deleterecord/'+cfg.table+'/'+cfg.tabletype+'/'; aja().method('POST').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500).type('json') .data({ displaytype: cfg.displaytype, action: 'delete', recid: recid }) .on('40x', function(response) { error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { success('Event deleted successfully: ' + JSON.stringify(; } else { // Error error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)) }; } else {error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg)}; }).go(); break; case "view": Cliqf.viewButton(recid); break; case "copy": var urlstr = '/ajax/'+cfg.langcd+'/copyevent/'+cfg.table+'/'+cfg.tabletype+'/'; var frmData = new FormData(); frmData.set('recid', recid); frmData.set('d_datefrom', ev.start_date); frmData.set('d_dateto', ev.end_date); $.ajax({ url: urlstr, data: frmData, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', async: false, timeout: 25000, success: function(response, statusText, xhr) { // first argument to the success callback is the json data object returned by the server if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { success('Database updated successfully: ' + JSON.stringify(; } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+JSON.stringify(response.msg)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+JSON.stringify(response)); }; }, error: function(xhr, status, text) { var response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); error(JSON.stringify(response.msg)); return false; } }); break; } } /** * Used on the Collection Datacard page to directly invoke a listing page from the Collection cards * @param - string - table * @param - string - tabletype * @param - string - page type such as datatable or gallery etc. * @return - Javascript and HTML, with help of Template **/ var collectionAction = function(type, table, tabletype) { var urlstr = "/admindesktop/"+jlcd+"/"+type+"/"+table+"/"+tabletype+"/"; uLoad(urlstr); } /** Save a Tree after drag and drop * * **/ var saveTree = function() { var move = cfg.evt.move_info; var moved_node ='|'; var target_node ='|'; var position = move.position; var previous_parent ='|'; // console.log('moved_node', moved_node); // console.log('target_node', target_node); // console.log('position', position); // console.log('previous_parent', previous_parent); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/treenodedrop/'+cfg.table+'/'+cfg.tabletype+'/'; return aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500) .data({ moved_node: moved_node, target_node: target_node, position: position, previous_parent: previous_parent // data: }) .on('40x', function(response) { error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('200', function(response) { // first argument to the success callback is the json data object returned by the server if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(match !== true) { $('#columnform').empty().html('f'); success(response.msg); cfg.dt.tree('loadDataFromUrl', cfg.opts.dataurl); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); }; }).go(); } /** Load data for a datalist or datatable * * @return - Sets the Data for Vue and starts process of populating pager **/ var loadTableData = function() { var orderby; if(cfg.opts.orderby != '') {orderby = cfg.opts.orderby;} else {orderby = cfg.orderby;}; var urlstr = cfg.opts.url; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(10000).type('json') .data({ limit: cfg.records.limit, offset: cfg.records.offset, search:, orderby: orderby, field_identifier: 'field' }) // .jsonPaddingName('clientRequest') // .jsonPadding('cliqon') // ajajsonp_omni .on('40x', function(response) { error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { cfg.records.offset = response.offset; cfg.records.limit = response.limit; =; cfg.dt.$data.rows = response.rows; pagerText(); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); }; }).go(); } /** Deals with the TWBS Pagination * * populates a given Div with a Bootstrap pager component **/ var tablePagination = function() { var cl = 'page-item bold larger'; cfg.records.totpages = Math.ceil( / cfg.records.limit); // console.log(cfg.records, cfg.pager); return $('#tablepagination').twbsPagination({ totalPages: cfg.records.totpages, visiblePages: cfg.pager.size, startPage: 1, initiateStartPageClick: false, onPageClick: function (event, thispage) { = thispage; if( == 1) { cfg.records.offset = 0; }; // This handles the click on the page number if( > 1 || < cfg.records.totpages) { cfg.records.offset = (( - 1) * cfg.records.limit); }; loadTableData(); }, first: '<<', prev: '<', next: '>', last: '>>', nextClass: cl, prevClass: cl, lastClass: cl, firstClass: cl, pageClass: 'page-item', activeClass: 'active', disabledClass: 'disabled', anchorClass: 'page-link' }); } /** Pager Text * page: 1, pageLength: 15, visiblePages: 7, totrecs: 1, offset: 0, limit: 0 * cfg.offset = Is the exact number of records into the recordset and is generated from response.offset; * = Representation of a valid and current page number - say 1 to 7 - it is calculated from Offset using Limit * cfg.limit = response.limit - the number of records to display * cfg.totrecs = response.totrecs - the total number of records **/ var pagerText = function() { cfg.pager.recs = cfg.records.limit; // Value for start, end and page must always be numeric cfg.records.start = parseInt(cfg.records.start); cfg.records.end = parseInt(cfg.records.end); = parseInt(; if(cfg.records.offset > cfg.records.start) { cfg.records.start = cfg.records.offset + 1; cfg.records.end = cfg.records.offset + cfg.records.limit; }; // End number can never be more than total if(cfg.records.end > || (cfg.records.limit + cfg.records.offset) > { cfg.records.end =; }; if(cfg.records.offset == 0) { cfg.records.start = 1; cfg.records.end = cfg.records.limit; } /* // From the response we need to work out the pager text values if(cfg.records.offset > 1 || cfg.records.offset < { cfg.records.start = cfg.records.offset; } else if((cfg.records.offset + cfg.records.limit) > { cfg.records.start = (( - cfg.records.offset) + 1); } else if((cfg.records.offset + cfg.records.limit) < { cfg.records.start = (( - cfg.records.offset) + 1); } */ // console.log(cfg.records, cfg.pager); cfg.dt.$data.records.start = cfg.records.start; cfg.dt.$data.records.end = cfg.records.end; cfg.dt.$ =; if( > cfg.records.limit) { tablePagination(); } } /** TOML / JSON convert * * convertButton() * getArrayFile() * fileToJson() * fileToToml() * ************************************************************************************************************/ var convertButton = function(recid) { var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/tomlconverter/'; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(10000).type('json') .on('40x', function(response) { error(lstr[1450]+' - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(match !== true) { var opts = { content: response.html, contentSize: { width: 700, height: 600 }, headerTitle: '<span class="">Converter</span>', callback: function() { cfg.dt = $('#filetree').tree({ data:, closedIcon: $('<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i>'), openedIcon: $('<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-down"></i>'), dragAndDrop: false, selectable: true, autoOpen: false }); $('#filetree').bind('tree.dblclick', function(evt) { if(evt.node) { getArrayFile(evt.node); } else {} }) $('#filetojson').on('click', function(e) { return fileToJson(e); }); $('#filetotoml').on('click', function(e) { return fileToToml(e); }); var clipboard = new Clipboard('#copyfilecontent'); return true; } }; var helpPopup = win(opts); } else { error( 'Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); }; }).go(); } var getArrayFile = function(node) { if(stristr(, 'cfg')) { var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/dotomlconvert/'; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(10000).type('json') .data({filepath: '/''/'}) .on('40x', function(response) { error(lstr[1450]+' - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response); }) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(match !== true) { =; $('#filecontent').val(; } else { error( 'Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); }; }).go(); } else { cfg.dt.tree('selectNode'); return false; } } var fileToJson = function(e) { $('#filecontent').val(; } var fileToToml = function(e) { $('#filecontent').val(; } /** Administrative methods and activities * * convertArray() * importdata() * exportdata() * dbschema() * - dictionaryedit() * - dictionarycopy() * jsStrings() * - editTable() * - saveTable() * maintainIdiom() * - addNewIdiom() * - deleteIdiom() * ********************************************************************************************************/ /** Javascript routines to convert an import file in Configuration array format * * @param - array - options * @return - test or written content **/ var convertarray = function(opts) { var idms = new Vue({ el: '#admconvertarray', data: { formdata: { idioms: opts.idioms, tables: opts.tables, tabletypes: opts.tabletypes }, inputform: { idiom: 'en', table: 'dbitem', tabletype: 'text', inputfile: null, dbwrite: '' }, testform: { testfile: null } }, mounted: function() { $('#testform').submit(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var target = document.getElementById('testform'); var opts = {}; var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(target); $('#convertresults').empty(); var form = $('#testform'); var frmdata = new FormData(); $.each($('input[type=file]',form)[0].files, function (i, file) { frmdata.append(file.filename, file); frmdata.append(, file); }); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/dotestarray/'; $.ajax({ url: urlstr, data: frmdata, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', async: false, timeout: 5000, success: function(response) { spinner.stop(); if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(match !== true) { var content = prettyPrint(response.result, { expanded: true, maxDepth: 5 }); $('#convertresults').empty().html(content); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response.msg)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; }, error: function(xhr, status, text) { spinner.stop(); var response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); error(JSON.stringify(response.msg)); } }); return false; }); $('#inputform').submit(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var target = document.getElementById('inputform'); var opts = {}; var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(target); $('#convertresults').empty(); var form = $('#inputform'); var frmdata = new FormData(); $.each($(':input', form ), function(i, fld){ frmdata.append( $(fld).data('name'), $(fld).getValue() ); }); $.each($('input[type=file]',form)[0].files, function (i, file) { frmdata.append(file.filename, file); frmdata.append(, file); }); var data = $.parseJSON( $('#formresult').html() ); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/doconvertarray/'+data.table+'/'+data.tabletype+'/'; $.ajax({ url: urlstr, data: frmdata, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', async: false, timeout: 25000, success: function(response) { spinner.stop(); if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { var content = prettyPrint(response.result, { expanded: true, maxDepth: 5 }); $('#convertresults').empty().html(content); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response.msg)) }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)) }; }, error: function(xhr, status, text) { spinner.stop(); var response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); msg({buttons: false, type: 'error', text: JSON.stringify(response.msg)}); } }); return false; }); } }); } /** Javascript routines to import a CSV formatted data file into the database * * @param - array - options * @return - test or written content **/ var importdata = function(opts) { var idms = new Vue({ el: '#admimportdata', data: { formdata: { idioms: opts.idioms, tables: opts.tables, tabletypes: opts.tabletypes }, inputform: { idiom: 'en', table: 'dbitem', tabletype: 'text', inputfile: '', dbwrite: '', header: '', delimiter: ',', encloser: '"', escape: '\\', longestline: 0 } }, mounted: function() { $('#inputform').submit(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var target = document.getElementById('inputform'); var opts = {}; var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(target); $('#convertresults').empty(); var form = $('#inputform'); var frmdata = new FormData(); $.each($(':input', form ), function(i, fld){ frmdata.append( $(fld).data('name'), $(fld).getValue() ); }); $.each($('input[type=file]',form)[0].files, function (i, file) { frmdata.append(file.filename, file); frmdata.append(, file); }); var data = $.parseJSON( $('#formresult').html() ); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/doimportdata/'+data.table+'/'+data.tabletype+'/'; $.ajax({ url: urlstr, data: frmdata, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', async: false, timeout: 25000, success: function(response) { spinner.stop(); if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { var content = prettyPrint(response.result, { expanded: true, maxDepth: 5 }); $('#convertresults').empty().html(content); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response.msg)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; }, error: function(xhr, status, text) { spinner.stop(); var response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); error(JSON.stringify(response.msg)); } }); return false; }); } }); } /** Javascript routines to export data to a CSV or Array config file * * @param - array - options * @return - test or written content **/ var exportdata = function(opts) { var idms = new Vue({ el: '#admexportdata', data: { formdata: { idioms: opts.idioms, tables: opts.tables, tabletypes: opts.tabletypes }, exportform: { idiom: 'en', table: 'dbitem', tabletype: 'text', csvorarray: '', doexport: '' } }, mounted: function() { $('#exportform').submit(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var target = document.getElementById('exportform'); var opts = {}; var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(target); $('#convertresults').empty(); var form = $('#exportform'); var frmdata = new FormData(); $.each($(':input', form ), function(i, fld){ frmdata.append( $(fld).data('name'), $(fld).getValue() ); }); var data = $.parseJSON( $('#formresult').html() ); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/doexportdata/'+data.table+'/'+data.tabletype+'/'; $.ajax({ url: urlstr, data: frmdata, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', async: false, timeout: 25000, success: function(response) { spinner.stop(); if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { var content = prettyPrint(response.result, { expanded: true, maxDepth: 5 }); $('#convertresults').empty().html(content); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response.msg)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; }, error: function(xhr, status, text) { spinner.stop(); var response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); error(JSON.stringify(response.msg)); } }); return false; }); } }); } /** Data Dictionary and supporting functions * Javascript routines to support the editing and update of Tabletype definitions when stored in a database * @param - array - options * @return - test or written content **/ var dbschema = function(e) { $.hook('dbschemabutton').on('click', function(e) { var dta = $(this).data(); switch(dta.action) { case "dictionaryedit": dictionaryEdit(dta); break; case "dictionarycopy": dictionaryCopy(dta); break; } // End switch }); } /** dbSchema sub function - dictionaryEdit() * * @param(data from button) * @return - object - functions executed **/ var dictionaryEdit = function(dta) { var opts = { contentSize: {width: 600, height: 470}, headerTitle: 'Edit Dictionary', contentAjax: { url: '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/dictionaryedit/'+dta.table+'/'+dta.type, then: [ function (response, textStatus, jqXHR, panel) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { this.content.append(; $('#submitform').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var fieldsused = $('#fieldsused').getValue(); var fieldsconfig = $('#fieldsconfig').getValue(); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/dictionarywrite/'+dta.table+'/'+dta.type; return aja() .method('post').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500) .data({'fieldsused': fieldsused, 'fieldsconfig': fieldsconfig}) .on('40x', function(response) { error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { success(lstr[125]); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)) } } else { error('Response was not JSON object') } }).go() }); $('#resetform').on('click', function(e) { $('#dataform').clearForm(); }); } else {error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+response.msg)}; } else {error( 'Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response) )} }, function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, panel) {this.content.append(jqXHR.responseText).css('padding', '20px');} ] // End then } }; win(opts); } /** dbSchema sub function - dictionaryCopy() * * @param(data from button) * @return - object - functions executed **/ var dictionaryCopy = function(dta) { var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/dictionarycopy/'+dta.table+'/'+dta.type; return aja() .method('get').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500) .on('40x', function(response) { error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { var text = str_replace('<br />', '\r\n',; msg({ buttons: [ {addClass: 'm10 mt10 btn btn-success btn-sm', text: lstr[30], onClick: function($noty) { $noty.close(); }}, {addClass: 'm10 mt10 btn btn-danger btn-sm', text: lstr[60], onClick: function($noty) { copyTextToClipboard(text); success(lstr[152]); $noty.close(); }} ], timeout: false, type: 'info', text: '<div class="pad"><pre style="overflow:hidden;">'+text+'</pre></div>' }); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)) } } else { error('Response was not JSON object') } }).go() } /** Javascript strings * Javascript routines to support the editing and update of the strings used to make the JS functions multi-lingual * @param - array - options * @return - test or written content **/ var jsStrings = function(gridOptions, idioms) { cfg.opts = gridOptions; cfg.idioms = idioms; cfg.displaytype = 'admjstrings'; cfg.dg = $('#datagrid').grid(cfg.opts); = cfg.dg.getAll(true); $('.editRecord').on('click', function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); editTable(e, 'edit'); }); } /** **/ var editTable = function(evt, action) { var form = '<div class="m0"><p class="m0 mb10">'+lstr[15]+'</p>'; if(action == 'add') { $.each(cfg.idioms, function(lcdcode, lcdname) { form += '<textarea class="form-control h50" name="text['+lcdcode+']" placeholder="'+lcdname+'" ></textarea><br />'; }); } else {; = $('tr').data('position'); cfg.row = cfg.dg.get(; $.each(cfg.idioms, function(lcdcode, lcdname) { form += '<textarea class="form-control h50" name="text['+lcdcode+']">'+cfg.row[lcdcode]+'</textarea><br />'; }); }; form += '</div>'; var opts = { type: 'info', text: form, closeWith: ['button'], buttons: [ {addClass: 'm10 mt0 btn btn-danger btn-sm mt10', text: lstr[8], onClick: function($noty) { $noty.close(); saveTable(action); }}, {addClass: 'm10 mt0 btn btn-primary btn-sm mt10', text: lstr[30], onClick: function($noty) { $noty.close(); }} ], timeout: false, }; return msg(opts); } /** * Sends existing and new data to server. Postdata and newdata * Newdata row will overwrite postdata row by id and new stream written to disk * Success and reload **/ var saveTable = function(action) { var newtext = {}; $.each(cfg.idioms, function(lcdcode, lcdname) { newtext[lcdcode] = $('textarea[name="text['+lcdcode+']"]').getValue(); }); if(action == 'edit') { =; } else { = count(; }; // console.log('NewData: '+JSON.stringify(newtext)); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/postadminjstrings/'; return aja().method('post').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500).type('json') .data({ postdata: JSON.stringify(, newdata: JSON.stringify(newtext) }) .on('40x', function(response) { error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { success(response.msg); cfg.dg.reload(); } else { // Error error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); } }).go(); } /** Routines to maintain languages * * @param - array array of languages **/ var maintainIdiom = function(idioms) { cfg.df = new Vue({ el: '#admmaintainidiom', data: { idioms: idioms, inputform: { lcdcode: '', lcdname: '', inputfile: '', dbwrite: '', cfgwrite: '' }, newidiomcode: '', newidiomname: '' }, methods: { deleteIdiom: function(evt) { var lcdcode = $('lcdcode'); var lcdname = $('lcdname'); deleteIdiom(lcdcode, lcdname); }, addIdiom: function() { $('#addidiomform').removeClass('hide'); }, downloadTemplate: function() { var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/doidiomtemplatedownload/dbcollection/string/'; aja().method('POST').url(urlstr) .on('40x', function(response) { error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { download(response.content, response.filename, 'text/plain'); } else { // Error error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); } }).go(); } }, mounted: function() { $('#inputform').submit(function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var target = document.getElementById('addidiomform'); var opts = {}; var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(target); $('#idiomresults').empty(); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/dolcdimport/dbcollection/string/'; var form = $('#inputform'); // Now get Data from the Vue Instance var postData = cfg.df.$data.inputform; var frmData = new FormData(); $.each(postData, function(fld, val) { frmData.set(fld, val); }) // AJAX Form upload for a single file var file = $('input[type=file]', form)[0].files[0]; frmData.append('filename',; frmData.append(, file, file.filename); $.ajax({ url: urlstr, data: frmData, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', async: false, timeout: 25000, success: function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { $('#idiomresults').empty(); spinner.stop(); success(lstr[33]); $.jsontotable(response.result, { id: '#idiomresults', header: false, className: 'table table-condensed table-sm' }); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response.msg)) }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)) }; }, error: function(xhr, status, text) { var response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); error(JSON.stringify(response.msg)); } }); return false; }); $('#newidiombutton').on('click', function(e) { return addNewIdiom(); }) } }) } /** Add a new language * **/ var addNewIdiom = function() { Cliq.msg({ buttons: [ {addClass: 'm10 mt10 btn btn-primary btn-sm', text: lstr[8], onClick: function($noty) { var target = document.getElementById('idiomresults'); var opts = {}; var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(target); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/addnewidiom/'; var frmdata = new FormData(); frmdata.append('lcdname', cfg.df.$data.newidiomname); frmdata.append('lcdcode', cfg.df.$data.newidiomcode); $.ajax({ url: urlstr, data: frmdata, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, type: 'POST', async: false, timeout: 25000, success: function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { spinner.stop(); var content = prettyPrint(, { expanded: true, maxDepth: 5 }); $('#idiomresults').empty().html(content); $noty.close(); } else { error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response.msg)); }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; }, error: function(xhr, status, text) { var response = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText); error(JSON.stringify(response.msg)); } }); }}, {addClass: 'm10 mt10 btn btn-default btn-sm', text: lstr[30], onClick: function($noty) { $noty.close(); }} ], timeout: false, closeWith: ['button'], type: 'info', text: '<p>'+lstr[156]+'</p><p>'+lstr[157]+'</p><p>'+lstr[158]+':</p><p>'+cfg.df.$data.newidiomname+': '+cfg.df.$data.newidiomcode+'</p>' }); } /** Delete existing language * * @param - string - language code * @param - string - language name. Used for confirmation purposes only **/ var deleteIdiom = function(lcdcode, lcdname) { Cliq.msg({ buttons: [ {addClass: 'm10 mt10 btn btn-primary btn-sm', text: lstr[8], onClick: function($noty) { var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/deleteidiom/'; aja().method('POST').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500).type('json') .data({'lcdcode': lcdcode}) .on('40x', function(response) {Cliq.error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('500', function(response) {Cliq.error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('timeout', function(response) {Cliq.error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('success', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { uLoad(); } else { Cliq.error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { Cliq.error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); }; }).go(); }}, {addClass: 'm10 mt10 btn btn-default btn-sm', text: lstr[30], onClick: function($noty) { $noty.close(); }} ], timeout: false, closeWith: ['button'], type: 'error', text: '<p>'+lstr[156]+'</p><p>'+lstr[157]+'</p><p>'+lstr[159]+':</p><p>'+cfg.df.$data.newidiomname+': '+cfg.df.$data.newidiomcode+'</p>' }); } /** General Display Utilities * * clqAjax() * msg() * - success() * - error() * win() * popup() *******************************************************************************************************/ /** Try and produce a generic Cliq AJA Ajax function * * @param - string - URL * @param - object - any data * @return - Response as JSON **/ var clqAjax = function(urlstr, dta) { aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500).type('json').data(dta) .on('40x', function(response) { error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('500', function(response) { error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('timeout', function(response){ error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response)}) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { cfg.result =; } else { // Error error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)) }; } else { error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); } }).go(); } var success = function(text) { return msg({type: 'success', buttons: false, text: text}); } var error = function(text) { return msg({type: 'warning', buttons: false, text: text}); } /** Noty Alert box * * @param - object - Usroptions that overwrite defaults **/ var msg = function(usroptions) { // usroptions = array var tpl = ` <div class="noty_message minh3"> <div class="pad center"> <h5 class="noty_text bluec"></h5> </div> <div class="noty_close"></div> </div> `; var options = { 'text': '', 'layout':'topCenter', 'theme':'bootstrapTheme', 'timeout': 5000, // success (light green), error (pink), warning (orangey cream), information (lilac), notification (lilac) 'type':'success', 'buttons': [ {addClass: 'm10 mt0 btn btn-success btn-sm', text: 'Close', onClick: function($noty) { $noty.close(); }} ], 'template': tpl, callback: { onShow: function() {}, afterShow: function() {}, onClose: function() {}, afterClose: function() {}, onCloseClick: function() {} } }; options = array_replace(options, usroptions); var $noty = noty(options); return $noty; } /** jsPanel * JSPanel Window - supports HTML content direct, HTML content from existing Div, Content by Ajax and iFrame * @param - object - Usroptions that overwrite defaults **/ var win = function(usroptions) { cfg.dp++; var thisid = 'jsPanel-'+cfg.dp; // drag - fa-arrows-alt var tb = ` <div class="bluec col"> <span class="col-6 txt-right mr-20 right"> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-print pointer" data-action="print"></i> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-expand pointer" data-action="maximize"></i> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-compress pointer" data-action="normalize"></i> <i class="fa fa-fw fa-close pointer" data-action="close"></i> </span> <span class="col-6 left ml-20 txt-left bold">`+usroptions.headerTitle+`</span> </div> `; var htb = [{ item: tb, event: "click", callback: function(event){ var action = $('action'); switch(action) { case "print": if(array_key_exists('content', usroptions)) { var rpt = '<h3 class="pad">'+usroptions.headerTitle+'</h3><div>'+usroptions.content+'</div>'; return $.print(rpt); } else { return; } break; case "close": return; break; case "maximize": return; break; case "normalize": return; break; default: return false; break; } } }]; var options = { container: 'body', content: false, contentAjax: false, contentIframe: false, contentOverflow: {"overflow-x": "hidden", "overflow-y": "scroll"}, contentSize: { width: 600, height: 610 }, custom: false, dblclicks: false, footerToolbar: false, headerControls: {controls: 'none'}, headerLogo: '<img src="'+sitepath+'admin/img/logo.png" class="h30 ml10 mt10 mb0" id="panelHdr" />', headerRemove: false, template: false, headerTitle: false, headerToolbar: htb, theme: 'bootstrap-default', id: thisid, maximizedMargin: { top: 85, right: 25, bottom: 25, left: 25 }, minimizeTo: true, position: 'center', // all other defaults are set in jsPanel.position() dragit: { handles: "#panelHdr", opacity: 0.8 }, resizeit: { handles: 'n, e, s, w, ne, se, sw, nw', minWidth: 400, minHeight: 400 } }; options = array_replace(options, usroptions); $.jsPanel({config: options}); $('#'+thisid).css('z-index', 10000+cfg.dp); } var popup = function(options) { var thisid = uniqid(); var tb = ` <div class="e30" id="popup_box"> <div class="card shadow round4" style="width: 100%" id="`+thisid+`_modal"> <div class="card-header">`+options.headerTitle+`</div> <div class="card-body" id="`+thisid+`_content">`+lstr[144]+` ....</div> <div class="card-footer"> <button type="button" id="close_button" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary">`+lstr[30]+`</button> <button type="button" id="cancel_button" class="btn btn-sm">`+lstr[17]+`</button> </div> </div> </div> `; $(options.parent).append(tb); new Tether({ element: '#popup_box', target: options.parent, attachment: 'middle center', targetAttachment: 'middle center', targetOffset: '20% 0%', constraints: [ { to: 'window', pin: ['top', 'bottom'] }, { to: 'scrollParent', pin: ['top', 'bottom'] } ], targetModifier: 'visible' }); showpopup(); $('#close_button').on('click', function() { hidepopup(); }); aja().method('GET').url(options.url).cache(false).timeout(25000).type('json') .data( .on('40x', function(response) { Cliq.error('Page not Found - '+options.url+':'+response)}) .on('500', function(response) { Cliq.error('Server Error - '+options.url+':'+response)}) .on('timeout', function(response){ Cliq.error('Timeout - '+options.url+':'+response)}) .on('200', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { // $('#'+thisid+'_content').html(; } else { // Error Cliq.error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+options.url+':'+JSON.stringify(response)) }; } else { Cliq.error('Response was not JSON object - '+options.url+':'+response.msg); } }).go(); } function showpopup() { $("#popup_box").fadeToggle(); $("#popup_box").css({"visibility":"visible","display":"block"}); } function hidepopup() { $("#popup_box").fadeToggle(500); $("#popup_box").css({"visibility":"hidden","display":"none"}); } // explicitly return public methods when this object is instantiated return { // outside: inside set: _set, get: _get, config: _config, calendar: calendar, gallery: gallery, datatable: dataTable, loadTableData: loadTableData, datagrid: dataGrid, datatree: dataTree, datacard: dataCard, datalist: dataList, topButton: topbtn, gridButton: gridbtn, rowButton: rowbtn, helpButton: helpButton, convertButton: convertButton, convertArray: convertarray, importData: importdata, exportData: exportdata, dbSchema: dbschema, jsStrings: jsStrings, maintainIdiom: maintainIdiom, popup: popup, clqAjax: clqAjax, win: win, error:error, success: success, msg: msg }; })(jQuery); $.noty.themes.bootstrapTheme = { name: 'bootstrapTheme', modal: { css: { position: 'fixed', width: '100%', height: '100%', backgroundColor: '#000', zIndex: 10000, opacity: 0.6, display: 'none', left: 0, top: 0 } }, style: function() { var containerSelector = this.options.layout.container.selector; $(containerSelector).addClass('list-group'); this.$bar.addClass( "list-group-item" ).css('padding', '0px'); switch (this.options.type) { case 'alert': case 'notification': this.$bar.addClass( "list-group-item-info" ); break; case 'warning': this.$bar.addClass( "list-group-item-warning" ); break; case 'error': this.$bar.addClass( "list-group-item-danger" ); break; case 'information': this.$bar.addClass("list-group-item-default"); break; case 'success': this.$bar.addClass( "list-group-item-success" ); break; } this.$message.css({ fontSize: '13px', lineHeight: '16px', textAlign: 'left', padding: '0px 10px 0px 10px', width: 'auto', position: 'relative' }); }, callback: { onShow: function() { }, onClose: function() { } } };