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File: assets/js/functions.js

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  Classes of Goffy G   wgGallery   assets/js/functions.js   Download  
File: assets/js/functions.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: wgGallery
Image gallery module for XOOPS CMS
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 2,259 bytes



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$(document).ready(function(){ $( "button, input:button, input:submit, input:file, input:reset" ).css("color","inherit").button(); $( ".check" ).css("color","#fff").button(); $( ".radio" ).css("color","#fff").buttonset(); $( ".toolbar" ).css("color","#000").buttonset(); }); // <![CDATA[ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpts from the jsUtilities Library Version: 2.1 Homepage: License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 License Note: If you change or improve on this script, please let us know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(Array.prototype.push === null) { Array.prototype.push = function(item) { this[this.length] = item; return this.length; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // function.apply (if unsupported) // Courtesy of Aaron Boodman - // --------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!Function.prototype.apply) { Function.prototype.apply = function(oScope, args) { var sarg = []; var rtrn, call; if (!oScope) oScope = window; if (!args) args = []; for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { sarg[i] = "args["+i+"]"; } call = "oScope.__applyTemp__(" + sarg.join(",") + ");"; oScope.__applyTemp__ = this; rtrn = eval(call); oScope.__applyTemp__ = null; return rtrn; } } function inArray(needle) { for (var i=0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] === needle) { return i; } } return false; } function addClass(theClass) { if (this.className !== '') { this.className += ' ' + theClass; } else { this.className = theClass; } } function lastChildContainingText() { var testChild = this.lastChild; var contentCntnr = ['p','li','dd']; while (testChild.nodeType !== 1) { testChild = testChild.previousSibling; } var tag = testChild.tagName.toLowerCase(); var tagInArr = inArray.apply(contentCntnr, [tag]); if (!tagInArr && tagInArr!==0) { testChild = lastChildContainingText.apply(testChild); } return testChild; } // ]]>