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Class: Grammar Template
Template engine in PHP and other languages
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## # GrammarTemplate, # versatile and intuitive grammar-based templating for PHP, Python, Node/XPCOM/JS, ActionScript # # @version: 3.0.0 # # ## import time def pad( s, n, z='0', pad_right=False ): ps = str(s) if pad_right: while len(ps) < n: ps += z else: while len(ps) < n: ps = z + ps return ps GUID = 0 def guid( ): global GUID GUID += 1 return pad(hex(int(time.time()))[2:],12)+'--'+pad(hex(GUID)[2:],4) def is_array( v ): return isinstance(v, (list,tuple)) def compute_alignment( s, i, l ): alignment = '' while i < l: c = s[i] if (" " == c) or ("\r" == c) or ("\t" == c) or ("\v" == c) or ("\0" == c): alignment += c i += 1 else: break return alignment def align( s, alignment ): l = len(s) if l and len(alignment): aligned = ''; for c in s: aligned += c if "\n" == c: aligned += alignment else: aligned = s return aligned def walk( obj, keys, keys_alt=None, obj_alt=None ): found = 0 if keys: o = obj l = len(keys) i = 0 found = 1 while i < l: k = keys[i] i += 1 if o is not None: if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o): o = o[int(k)] elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o): o = o[k] else: try: o = getattr(o, k) except AttributeError: found = 0 break else: found = 0 break if (not found) and keys_alt: o = obj l = len(keys_alt) i = 0 found = 1 while i < l: k = keys_alt[i] i += 1 if o is not None: if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o): o = o[int(k)] elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o): o = o[k] else: try: o = getattr(o, k) except AttributeError: found = 0 break else: found = 0 break if (not found) and (obj_alt is not None) and (obj_alt is not obj): if keys: o = obj_alt l = len(keys) i = 0 found = 1 while i < l: k = keys[i] i += 1 if o is not None: if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o): o = o[int(k)] elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o): o = o[k] else: try: o = getattr(o, k) except AttributeError: found = 0 break else: found = 0 break if (not found) and keys_alt: o = obj_alt l = len(keys_alt) i = 0 found = 1 while i < l: k = keys_alt[i] i += 1 if o is not None: if isinstance(o,(list,tuple)) and int(k)<len(o): o = o[int(k)] elif isinstance(o,dict) and (k in o): o = o[k] else: try: o = getattr(o, k) except AttributeError: found = 0 break else: found = 0 break return o if found else None class StackEntry: def __init__(self, stack=None, value=None): self.prev = stack self.value = value class TplEntry: def __init__(self, node=None, tpl=None ): if tpl: = self self.node = node self.prev = tpl = None def multisplit( tpl, delims, postop=False ): IDL = delims[0] IDR = delims[1] OBL = delims[2] OBR = delims[3] lenIDL = len(IDL) lenIDR = len(IDR) lenOBL = len(OBL) lenOBR = len(OBR) ESC = '\\' OPT = '?' OPTR = '*' NEG = '!' DEF = '|' COMMENT = '#' TPL = ':=' REPL = '{' REPR = '}' DOT = '.' REF = ':' ALGN = '@' #NOTALGN = '&' COMMENT_CLOSE = COMMENT+OBR default_value = None negative = 0 optional = 0 aligned = 0 localised = 0 l = len(tpl) delim1 = [IDL, lenIDL, IDR, lenIDR] delim2 = [OBL, lenOBL, OBR, lenOBR] delim_order = [None,0,None,0,None,0,None,0] postop = postop is True a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': '', 'algn': ''}) cur_arg = { 'type' : 1, 'name' : None, 'key' : None, 'stpl' : None, 'dval' : None, 'opt' : 0, 'neg' : 0, 'algn' : 0, 'loc' : 0, 'start' : 0, 'end' : 0 } roottpl = a block = None opt_args = None subtpl = {} cur_tpl = None arg_tpl = {} start_tpl = None # hard-coded merge-sort for arbitrary delims parsing based on str len if delim1[1] < delim1[3]: s = delim1[0] delim1[2] = delim1[0] delim1[0] = s i = delim1[1] delim1[3] = delim1[1] delim1[1] = i if delim2[1] < delim2[3]: s = delim2[0] delim2[2] = delim2[0] delim2[0] = s i = delim2[1] delim2[3] = delim2[1] delim2[1] = i start_i = 0 end_i = 0 i = 0 while (4 > start_i) and (4 > end_i): if delim1[start_i+1] < delim2[end_i+1]: delim_order[i] = delim2[end_i] delim_order[i+1] = delim2[end_i+1] end_i += 2 else: delim_order[i] = delim1[start_i] delim_order[i+1] = delim1[start_i+1] start_i += 2 i += 2 while 4 > start_i: delim_order[i] = delim1[start_i] delim_order[i+1] = delim1[start_i+1] start_i += 2 i += 2 while 4 > end_i: delim_order[i] = delim2[end_i] delim_order[i+1] = delim2[end_i+1] end_i += 2 i += 2 stack = None s = '' i = 0 while i < l: c = tpl[i] if ESC == c: s += tpl[i+1] if i+1 < l else '' i += 2 continue delim = None if delim_order[0] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[1]]: delim = delim_order[0] elif delim_order[2] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[3]]: delim = delim_order[2] elif delim_order[4] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[5]]: delim = delim_order[4] elif delim_order[6] == tpl[i:i+delim_order[7]]: delim = delim_order[6] if IDL == delim: i += lenIDL if len(s): if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a) s = '' elif IDR == delim: i += lenIDR # argument argument = s s = '' p = argument.find(DEF) if -1 < p: default_value = argument[p+1:] argument = argument[0:p] else: default_value = None if postop: c = tpl[i] if i < l else '' else: c = argument[0] if OPT == c or OPTR == c: optional = 1 if OPTR == c: start_i = 1 end_i = -1 else: start_i = 0 end_i = 0 if postop: i += 1 if (i < l) and (NEG == tpl[i]): negative = 1 i += 1 else: negative = 0 else: if NEG == argument[1]: negative = 1 argument = argument[2:] else: negative = 0 argument = argument[1:] elif REPL == c: if postop: s = '' j = i+1 jl = l while (j < jl) and (REPR != tpl[j]): s += tpl[j] j += 1 i = j+1 else: s = '' j = 1 jl = len(argument) while (j < jl) and (REPR != argument[j]): s += argument[j] j += 1 argument = argument[j+1:] s = s.split(',') if len(s) > 1: start_i = s[0].strip() start_i = int(start_i,10) if len(start_i) else 0 end_i = s[1].strip() end_i = int(end_i,10) if len(end_i) else -1 optional = 1 else: start_i = s[0].strip() start_i = int(start_i,10) if len(start_i) else 0 end_i = start_i optional = 0 s = '' negative = 0 else: optional = 0 negative = 0 start_i = 0 end_i = 0 if negative and default_value is None: default_value = '' c = argument[0] if ALGN == c: aligned = 1 argument = argument[1:] else: aligned = 0 c = argument[0] if DOT == c: localised = 1 argument = argument[1:] else: localised = 0 p = argument.find(REF) template = argument.split(REF) if -1 < p else [argument,None] argument = template[0] template = template[1] p = argument.find(DOT) nested = argument.split(DOT) if -1 < p else None if cur_tpl and (cur_tpl not in arg_tpl): arg_tpl[cur_tpl] = {} if TPL+OBL == tpl[i:i+2+lenOBL]: # template definition i += 2 template = template if template and len(template) else 'grtpl--'+guid() start_tpl = template if cur_tpl and len(argument): arg_tpl[cur_tpl][argument] = template if not len(argument): continue # template definition only if (template is None) and cur_tpl and (cur_tpl in arg_tpl) and (argument in arg_tpl[cur_tpl]): template = arg_tpl[cur_tpl][argument] if optional and not cur_arg['opt']: cur_arg['name'] = argument cur_arg['key'] = nested cur_arg['stpl'] = template cur_arg['dval'] = default_value cur_arg['opt'] = optional cur_arg['neg'] = negative cur_arg['algn'] = aligned cur_arg['loc'] = localised cur_arg['start'] = start_i cur_arg['end'] = end_i # handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block opt_args = StackEntry(None, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,optional,localised]) elif optional: # handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block if (start_i != end_i) and (cur_arg['start'] == cur_arg['end']): # set as main arg a loop arg, if exists cur_arg['name'] = argument cur_arg['key'] = nested cur_arg['stpl'] = template cur_arg['dval'] = default_value cur_arg['opt'] = optional cur_arg['neg'] = negative cur_arg['algn'] = aligned cur_arg['loc'] = localised cur_arg['start'] = start_i cur_arg['end'] = end_i opt_args = StackEntry(opt_args, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,optional,localised]) elif (not optional) and (cur_arg['name'] is None): cur_arg['name'] = argument cur_arg['key'] = nested cur_arg['stpl'] = template cur_arg['dval'] = default_value cur_arg['opt'] = 0 cur_arg['neg'] = negative cur_arg['algn'] = aligned cur_arg['loc'] = localised cur_arg['start'] = start_i cur_arg['end'] = end_i # handle multiple optional arguments for same optional block opt_args = StackEntry(None, [argument,nested,negative,start_i,end_i,0,localised]) if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val'])) a = TplEntry({ 'type' : 1, 'name' : argument, 'key' : nested, 'stpl' : template, 'dval' : default_value, 'opt' : optional, 'algn' : aligned, 'loc' : localised, 'start' : start_i, 'end' : end_i }, a) elif OBL == delim: i += lenOBL if len(s): if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a) s = '' # comment if COMMENT == tpl[i]: j = i+1 jl = l while (j < jl) and (COMMENT_CLOSE != tpl[j:j+lenOBR+1]): s += tpl[j] j += 1 i = j+lenOBR+1 if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val'])) a = TplEntry({'type': -100, 'val': s}, a) s = '' continue # optional block stack = StackEntry(stack, [a, block, cur_arg, opt_args, cur_tpl, start_tpl]) if start_tpl: cur_tpl = start_tpl start_tpl = None cur_arg = { 'type' : 1, 'name' : None, 'key' : None, 'stpl' : None, 'dval' : None, 'opt' : 0, 'neg' : 0, 'algn' : 0, 'loc' : 0, 'start' : 0, 'end' : 0 } opt_args = None a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': '', 'algn': ''}) block = a elif OBR == delim: i += lenOBR b = a cur_block = block prev_arg = cur_arg prev_opt_args = opt_args if stack: a = stack.value[0] block = stack.value[1] cur_arg = stack.value[2] opt_args = stack.value[3] cur_tpl = stack.value[4] start_tpl = stack.value[5] stack = stack.prev else: a = None if len(s): if 0 == b.node['type']: b.node['val'] += s else: b = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, b) s = '' if start_tpl: subtpl[start_tpl] = TplEntry({ 'type' : 2, 'name' : prev_arg['name'], 'key' : prev_arg['key'], 'loc' : prev_arg['loc'], 'algn' : prev_arg['algn'], 'start' : prev_arg['start'], 'end' : prev_arg['end'], 'opt_args': None,#opt_args 'tpl' : cur_block }) start_tpl = None else: if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val'])) a = TplEntry({ 'type' : -1, 'name' : prev_arg['name'], 'key' : prev_arg['key'], 'loc' : prev_arg['loc'], 'algn' : prev_arg['algn'], 'start' : prev_arg['start'], 'end' : prev_arg['end'], 'opt_args': prev_opt_args, 'tpl' : cur_block }, a) else: c = tpl[i] i += 1 if "\n" == c: # note line changes to handle alignments if len(s): if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a) s = '' if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val'])) a = TplEntry({'type': 100, 'val': "\n"}, a) else: s += c if len(s): if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['val'] += s else: a = TplEntry({'type': 0, 'val': s, 'algn': ''}, a) if 0 == a.node['type']: a.node['algn'] = compute_alignment(a.node['val'], 0, len(a.node['val'])) return [roottpl, subtpl] def optional_block( args, block, SUB=None, FN=None, index=None, alignment='', orig_args=None ): out = '' block_arg = None if -1 == block['type']: # optional block, check if optional variables can be rendered opt_vars = block['opt_args'] # if no optional arguments, render block by default if opt_vars and opt_vars.value[5]: while opt_vars: opt_v = opt_vars.value opt_arg = walk( args, opt_v[1], [str(opt_v[0])], None if opt_v[6] else orig_args ) if (block_arg is None) and (block['name'] == opt_v[0]): block_arg = opt_arg if ((0 == opt_v[2]) and (opt_arg is None)) or ((1 == opt_v[2]) and (opt_arg is not None)): return '' opt_vars = opt_vars.prev else: block_arg = walk( args, block['key'], [str(block['name'])], None if block['loc'] else orig_args ) arr = is_array( block_arg ) lenn = len(block_arg) if arr else -1 #if not block['algn']: alignment = '' if arr and (lenn > block['start']): rs = block['start'] re = lenn-1 if -1==block['end'] else min(block['end'],lenn-1) ri = rs while ri <= re: out += main( args, block['tpl'], SUB, FN, ri, alignment, orig_args ) ri += 1 elif (not arr) and (block['start'] == block['end']): out = main( args, block['tpl'], SUB, FN, None, alignment, orig_args ) return out def non_terminal( args, symbol, SUB=None, FN=None, index=None, alignment='', orig_args=None ): out = '' if symbol['stpl'] and ((SUB and (symbol['stpl'] in SUB)) or (symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.subGlobal) or (FN and ((symbol['stpl'] in FN) or ('*' in FN))) or ((symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal) or ('*' in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal))): # using custom function or sub-template opt_arg = walk( args, symbol['key'], [str(symbol['name'])], None if symbol['loc'] else orig_args ) if (SUB and (symbol['stpl'] in SUB)) or (symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.subGlobal): # sub-template if (index is not None) and ((0 != index) or (symbol['start'] != symbol['end']) or (not symbol['opt'])) and is_array(opt_arg): opt_arg = opt_arg[ index ] if index < len(opt_arg) else None if (opt_arg is None) and (symbol['dval'] is not None): # default value if missing out = symbol['dval'] else: # try to associate sub-template parameters to actual input arguments tpl = SUB[symbol['stpl']].node if SUB and (symbol['stpl'] in SUB) else GrammarTemplate.subGlobal[symbol['stpl']].node tpl_args = {} if opt_arg is not None: if is_array(opt_arg): tpl_args[tpl['name']] = opt_arg else: tpl_args = opt_arg out = optional_block( tpl_args, tpl, SUB, FN, None, alignment if symbol['algn'] else '', args if orig_args is None else orig_args ) #if symbol['algn']: out = align(out, alignment) else:#elif fn: # custom function fn = None if FN and (symbol['stpl'] in FN): fn = FN[symbol['stpl']] elif FN and ('*' in FN): fn = FN['*'] elif symbol['stpl'] in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal: fn = GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal[symbol['stpl']] elif '*' in GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal: fn = GrammarTemplate.fnGlobal['*'] if is_array(opt_arg): index = index if index is not None else symbol['start'] opt_arg = opt_arg[ index ] if index < len(opt_arg) else None if callable(fn): fn_arg = { #'value' : opt_arg, 'symbol' : symbol, 'index' : index, 'currentArguments' : args, 'originalArguments' : orig_args, 'alignment' : alignment } opt_arg = fn( opt_arg, fn_arg ) else: opt_arg = str(fn) out = symbol['dval'] if (opt_arg is None) and (symbol['dval'] is not None) else str(opt_arg) if symbol['algn']: out = align(out, alignment) elif symbol['opt'] and (symbol['dval'] is not None): # boolean optional argument out = symbol['dval'] else: # plain symbol argument opt_arg = walk( args, symbol['key'], [str(symbol['name'])], None if symbol['loc'] else orig_args ) # default value if missing if is_array(opt_arg): index = index if index is not None else symbol['start'] opt_arg = opt_arg[ index ] if index < len(opt_arg) else None out = symbol['dval'] if (opt_arg is None) and (symbol['dval'] is not None) else str(opt_arg) if symbol['algn']: out = align(out, alignment) return out def main( args, tpl, SUB=None, FN=None, index=None, alignment='', orig_args=None ): out = '' current_alignment = alignment while tpl: tt = tpl.node['type'] if -1 == tt: # optional code-block out += optional_block( args, tpl.node, SUB, FN, index, current_alignment if tpl.node['algn'] else alignment, orig_args ) elif 1 == tt: # non-terminal out += non_terminal( args, tpl.node, SUB, FN, index, current_alignment if tpl.node['algn'] else alignment, orig_args ) elif 0 == tt: # terminal current_alignment += tpl.node['algn'] out += tpl.node['val'] elif 100 == tt: # new line current_alignment = alignment out += "\n" + alignment #elif -100 == tt: # comment # # pass tpl = return out class GrammarTemplate: """ GrammarTemplate for Python, """ VERSION = '3.0.0' defaultDelimiters = ['<','>','[',']'] fnGlobal = {} subGlobal = {} guid = guid multisplit = multisplit align = align main = main def __init__(self, tpl='', delims=None, postop=False): = None self.tpl = None self.fn = {} # lazy init self._args = [ tpl, delims if delims else GrammarTemplate.defaultDelimiters, postop ] def __del__(self): self.dispose() def dispose(self): = None self.tpl = None self.fn = None self._args = None return self def parse(self): if (self.tpl is None) and (self._args is not None): # lazy init self.tpl = GrammarTemplate.multisplit( self._args[0], self._args[1], self._args[2] ) self._args = None return self def render(self, args=None): # lazy init if self.tpl is None: self.parse( ) return GrammarTemplate.main( {} if None == args else args, self.tpl[0], self.tpl[1], self.fn ) __all__ = ['GrammarTemplate']