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File: docs/changelog.txt
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Description: Documentation
Class: XOOPS Modules Builder
Generate new modules for the XOOPS CMS
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<h5>3.04 Final [2020-11-11]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.5 <hr> - moved to final (goffy) <h5>3.04 RC 1 [2020-07-09]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.5 <hr> - unqualified function references (mamba/goffy) - cosmetics (goffy) - deleted folder archive (goffy) - added uuid and IP textbox field (mamba/goffy) - fixed problem with missing empy.png (cesagonchu/goffy) - fixed bug with mb_strtolower for dir creation (cesagonchu/goffy) - fixed problems with missing tables and fields (cesagonchu/goffy) - added developer tool function qualifier (goffy) - added developer tool check language files (goffy) - fixed problems with breadcrumb template (cesagonchu/goffy) - added default type and value for table fieldelements (goffy) - fixed bug in deleting table from fieldelements (goffy) - added check for sql creation (goffy) - delete fields if table is deleted (goffy) - delete fields, tables, morefiles when deleting module (goffy) - fixed bug in creation of user header.php (goffy) - fixed bug in creation of user pages files (goffy) - cosmetics for sorting (goffy) - fixed bugs in pdf creation (goffy) - allow pdf creation for multiple tables (goffy) - changed pdf output template based (goffy) - fixed bugs in print output (goffy) - fixed problem for modules without user pages (goffy) <h5>3.04 Alpha 1 [2020-06-12]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.5 <hr> - fixed bugs in creation of more files (goffy) - added possibility to add own files via more files (goffy) - implementation new xoops_confirm (geekwright/goffy) - fixed bug in creation of config files (goffy) - implementation of experience from wgtransifex (mamba/goffy) - fixed bug date in blocks (heyula/goffy) - replaced strtotime by \DateTime::createFromFormat (goffy) - creation of table components/links only if table is for user side (goffy) <h5>3.03 Alpha 5 [2020-06-09]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.5 <hr> - new alpha release (goffy) <h5>3.03 Alpha 4 [2020-05-11]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.5 <hr> - missing folder name (mamba) - changed date integer to 11 (mamba) - fix removed extra comma in generated FormUploadImage code (mamba) - added schema (mamba) - renamed "handler" to "Handler" in generated code (heyula/mamba) - removed call to include Helper.php file (mamba) - fix copying logo file (mamba) - fix missing include of notification tpl (goffy) - added first missing templates for notifications (goffy) - added notification broken event (goffy) - added possibility to store/restore testdata of created module (goffy) - switched to single editor selector (mamba/goffy) - changed constants class into interface (zyspec/goffy) - added next steps notification event (goffy) - added notification event new, modify, approve (goffy) - added yoda condition (goffy) - editor admin/user (mamba/goffy) - added check quality/inconsistences of module data before building (goffy) - fixed bugs in comments handling (goffy) - added notification comments (goffy) - added permission check approve (goffy) - fixed bug for active settings (goffy) - restructured admin language file/removed duuplicates (goffy) - implementation new xoops_confirm - step 1 (goffy) - transfered class::getInstance() to class _construct (mamba/goffy) - code documentation cleaning (goffy) - fixed bug with ENUM (mamba/goffy) - fixed bug with changing field/table properties via image (mamba/goffy) - implementation new xoops_confirm (geekwright/goffy) - implemted rating system (stars, likes and numeric) (goffy) <h5>3.03 Alpha 3 [WORK IN PROGRESS - NOT RELEASED]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.5 <hr> - fix class names to case-sensitive (heyula/mamba) - fix folder names to case-sensitive (mamba) - add folder & file checkers (mamba) - add SysUtility class (mamba) - fix $pathIcon16 (mamba) - add __NAMESPACE__ to Helper (mamba) - splitted contend of index file and page file (goffy) - removed old testdata (goffy) <h5>3.03 Alpha 2 [WORK IN PROGRESS - NOT RELEASED]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.5 <hr> - rename to ModuleBuilder (mamba) <h5>3.02 Alpha 1 [WORK IN PROGRESS - NOT RELEASED]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.2 <hr> work done by goffy: - added implementation of common files - changed modversion from xoops_version.php into arrays - changed submenu in xoops_version.php - splitted class files into class and classhandler - added usage of namespaces in created modules - added sample data - rebuild install, uninstall and update - implememted feedback - replaced Xmf\Request::... by use Xmf\Request + Request::... - implemented image resizer - rebuild language defines for upload in forms - fixed bug with multiple upload formfields in one form - updated permissions to handle multiple permissions - added permissions class and permissions handler - cosmetics - fixed bugs in getXoopsFormSelectFile and getClassGetTableSolenameById - added save/load group permissions to sample data - rebuild blocks file - splitted CreateHtmlSmartycodes into CreateHtmlcode/CreateSmartycode for better handling - added images for checkbox and status in lists in admin area - fixed bugs at building - renamed functions for better sorting - added new field elements SelectStatus, SelectCombo, Password, SelectCountry and SelectLang - rebuilt include/ - added default values for form elements - adapted editor handling - preparation for new tpl styles - transfered code broken from brocken.php to the corresponding table page - transfered code submit from submit.php to the corresponding table page - added handling broken to admin area - removed class/Addfiles.php and Addfileshandler.php (duplication of morefiles) - removed class/Files/User/UserSingle.php and UserVisit.php <h5>3.01 Alpha 2 [WORK IN PROGRESS - NOT RELEASED]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.2 <hr> - code cosmetics (mamba) - added "Build" icons to Modules and Tables tabs - time saver (mamba) - cosmetics admin area (goffy) - fixed problems with test data (goffy) - fixed bug with upload file/images in admin pages (goffy) - fixed bug with save permissions in admin pages (goffy) - fixed bugs in tpl creation (goffy) - improved tpl creation (goffy) - added check for upload permission to form class (goffy) - removed fb and disqus comments preferences (goffy) - fixed bug in print.php (goffy) ************************************************************* THIS IS LAST VERSION WHICH CREATES MODULES WITHOUT NAMESPACES ************************************************************* <h5>3.01 Alpha 1 [2020-01-01]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.1 <hr> - namespaces (mamba) - class autoloading (mamba) - added feedback page (mamba) - PSR12 cosmetics (mamba) - fixed sorting of fields (mamba) - updated Scrutinizer config (mamba) - added Config (mamba) - moved icons to /images (mamba) ================================================= 2018/03/27: Version 1.91 alpha 3.6 [NOT RELEASED] ================================================= - change from adminMenu to adminObject (mamba) - buttons on left (mamba) - replace static calls (mamba) - fix statistics (mamba) - implemented yoda in file creation (goffy) - css corrections (goffy) - yoda corrections (goffy) - corrected css for templates admin tables/fields (goffy) - replace < br /> by < br >; changed also function ModuleBuilderHTMLCode, ModuleBuilderHTMLSmartyCode (goffy) - corrected typing errors (e.g. getVat) (goffy) - removed unnecessary semicolons in js (goffy) - added PHPDocs (goffy) - replace double quote in language define by single quote; changed also function getXcTplDisplay, getDefine (goffy) - removed unnecessary closing tag (img) (goffy) - changed getXcLoadLanguage (include moduledir) (goffy) - cosmetics (goffy) - changed comparision to stict (===) (goffy) - solved wrong string concatenate (goffy) - Update (timgno) - fixed notification of no return value from php code inspection (goffy) - XoopsFormTextDateSelect: created var for isNew was not used (goffy) - Class files - getValues... function: changed from {fieldname} to {tablename}Obj (goffy) - Class files - getForm: added field names to comment lines (goffy) - Creation of xoopsversion.php: config was based on last table (goffy) - config name for xoopseditorhandler was too long (goffy) - corrected case mismatch: xoops_gethandler into xoops_getHandler (goffy) - unnecessary parentheses: removed brackets (goffy) - unnecessary double quotes (goffy) - fixed bug in function getValuesInObject (wrong object name) (goffy) - creation of form: replaced XoopsFormButton by XoopsFormButtonTray (goffy) - LanguageModinfo.php: Config items have been created only by fields of last table; changed to all tables (goffy) ================================= 1.91 alpha 3.5 [NOT RELEASED] ================================= - cosmetics, PHP 7 (mamba) - admin/settings.php: bug in xoopsSecurity during save (goffy) - created tdmxoops_logo.png (copy of tdmxoops_logo.gif) in .../assets/images/logos/ in order to fix error when building new module - adoption in module creation procedure (goffy) -- changed module logo creator - module name will be used instead of module dir name -- class/files/header/AdminHeader.php: --- adopted to XMF --- some tabs in if-conditions were not set -- class/files/language/LanguageAdmin.php: if the last field in a table is not in form for admin, then in language/admin.php the defines for "{$ucfTableSoleName} add/edit" are not created (goffy) -- fixed bug in helper.php/function getConfig: adopted for case when config is an array -- fixed bug in xoopsverion: release date must be format Y/m/d, otherwise moduladmin.php causes an error -- fixed various cases of wrong number of indentions/tabs) - changed buttons from right to left (mamba) - renamed $adminMenu to $adminObject (mamba) ================================= 2016/01/28: Version 1.91 alpha 3.x ================================= - Refactoring Classes with Php Functions in place of Heredoc - Alpha Contribute & Testers (Timgno, Mamba, Goffy) - fixes for calls to "getXcEqualsOperator" from modulebuilder\class\files\user\UserXoopsVersion.php (mamba) ================================= 2015/06/01: Version 1.91 alpha 3 ================================= - Added templates breacrumbs - Added index in tables form to put code in user/index.php - Added more functions in classes - Added more field database in tables form ================================= 2015/04/27: Version 1.91 alpha 2 ================================= - Added templates item for tables & fields - Added sortable table for tables & fields - Added more parameters in tables form - Added more parameters in fields form - Added more field database in tables form - Added more field database in fields form - Added checkAll checkbox in modules & tables form - Added more files for user side - Added autoload file for all classes - Added settings to customize module informations ================================= 2014/01/02: Version 1.91 alpha 1 ================================= - Refactoring - Rewritten from scratch - Added templates admin - Added fields table - Added more parameters in fields form ================================= 2013/09/02: Version 1.91 alpha 1 ================================= - Skipped to versione 1.91 alpha 1 ================================= 2013/05/12: Version 1.39 RC 1 ================================= - Added minimum php textbox in admin/modules.php - Added minimum xoops textbox in admin/modules.php - Added minimum admin textbox in admin/modules.php - Added minimum mysql textbox in admin/modules.php - fixed bugs ================================= 2013/04/01: Version 1.39 Beta 4 ================================= - fixed several error notices and bugs ================================= 2013/03/28: Version 1.39 Beta 3 ================================= - fixed several error notices and bugs ================================= 2013/03/25: Version 1.39 Beta 2 ================================= - fixed several error notices and bugs ================================= 2013/03/22: Version 1.39 Beta 1 ================================= - fixed several error notices and bugs ================================= 2013/02/23: Version 1.38.6 Beta 1 ================================= - added: fields notifications, paypal button and subversion in modules - added: fields notifications in tables - modified: file const_header.php for subversion - modified: file const_admin_about.php for paypal button - added: module info pulled from Preferences - fixed several error notices and bugs ================================= 2012/09/24: Version 1.38.1 Beta 1 ================================= - added: option to rename module and tables - added: generated tables start with "mod_" - added: logo image generator - added: user info stored in Preferences - added: module info pulled from Preferences - added: plugins for Waiting module - clean-up of English translations, and constants - fixed several error notices and bugs ================================= 2012/07/13: Version 1.38 Final ================================= - Fixed bug (Timgno) - Release only for xoops 2.5.5 (Timgno) ================================= 2012/01/29: Version 1.37 Final ================================= - Fixed bug default string in sql file (Timgno) - Added class for const_architecture.php (Timgno) - Release only for xoops 2.5.x (Timgno) ================================= 2011/10/10: Version 1.37 RC 3 ================================= - Fixed default and optional button paypal in admin/about.php (Timgno) - Fixed default image module string in $module_name_slogo (Timgno) - Deleted code creations folders deco & admin in file const_architecture.php (Timgno) - Release only for xoops 2.5.x (Timgno) ================================= 2011/10/03: Version 1.37 RC 2 ================================= - Bugfixed directory select images tables from & upload to Frameworks (Timgno) - Added in mysql options fields, decimal/float/enum (Timgno) ================================= 2011/09/15: Version 1.37 RC 1 ================================= - Added code directory select images tables from & upload to Frameworks (Timgno) ================================= 2011/09/07: Version 1.37 beta 4 ================================= - Added buttons New Table, New Categories & List Table (Timgno) ================================= 2011/08/24: Version 1.37 beta 3 ================================= - Added buttons New Table, New Categories & List Table (Timgno) ================================= 2011/08/08: Version 1.37 beta 2 ================================= - Added buttons New Module & List Module (Timgno) ================================= 2011/08/07: Version 1.37 beta 1 ================================= - Added class constArch (Timgno) ================================= 2011/06/27: Version 1.36 beta ================================= - fixed (Mamba) ================================= 2011/04/22: Version 1.18 ================================= - Added field forum url (Timgno) - Added field forum title (Timgno) - Added function createFile (Timgno) - Changes code lines all files in cost folder for create file with function createFile (Timgno) ================================= 2011/03/07: Version 1.15 ================================= - Email Author (timgno) - Advertise in const_xoops_version.php (timgno) - Keywords for SEO in const_xoops_version.php (timgno) - Datetime php function, copyright autoincrement years in const_entete.php (timgno) - Defines in language pack (timgno) - Added const_changelog.php (timgno) - Added const_templates.php (timgno) - Added const_main_language.php (timgno) ================================= 2010/12/25: Version 1.11 ================================= - changes admin gui for xoops 2.5.x (Mamba) - internationalization - the created module will local language based (mamba) - added changelog (mamba) - updated English translations (Mamba) - replaced GIF images to PNG (Mamba) ================================= 2009/07/23: Version 1.1 ================================= - Base changes (TDM) ================================= 2009/07/17: Version 1.0 ================================= - Original release (TDM)