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File: Script/_server/library/PFBC/Resources/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/vi.js

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  Classes of Pierre-Henry Soria   H2OGame PHP Game Engine   Script/_server/library/PFBC/Resources/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/vi.js   Download  
File: Script/_server/library/PFBC/Resources/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/vi.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: H2OGame PHP Game Engine
Application to manage an online games platform
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 2,518 bytes



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?/* Copyright (c) 2003-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or */ CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","vi",{title:"Accessibility Instructions",contents:"N?i dung H? tr?. Nh?n ESC ?? ?óng h?p tho?i.",legend:[{name:"Chung",items:[{name:"Thanh công c? so?n th",legend:"Nh?n ${toolbarFocus} ?? ?i?u h??ng ??n thanh công c?. Nh?n TAB và SHIFT-TAB ?? chuy?n ??n nhóm thanh công c? khác. Nh?n M?I TÊN PH?I ho?c M?I TÊN TRÁI ?? chuy?n sang nút khác trên thanh công c?. Nh?n PHÍM CÁCH ho?c ENTER ?? kích ho?t nút trên thanh công c."},{name:"H?p tho?i Biên t",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."}, {name:"Trình ??n Ng? c?nh cB? so?n th?o",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."}, {name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"Commands",items:[{name:" Undo command",legend:"Press ${undo}"},{name:" Redo command",legend:"Press ${redo}"},{name:" Bold command",legend:"Press ${bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command", legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}]});