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File: ajax_request_part.php

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  Classes of Arturs Sosins   AJAX Calendar   ajax_request_part.php   Download  
File: ajax_request_part.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example with urls for only specified dates where calendar generation and ajax request procesing are in different files. This is ajax request processing part
Class: AJAX Calendar
Display month calendars browseable using AJAX
Author: By
Last change: credits changed
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 2,432 bytes



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 * This script is developed by Arturs Sosins aka ar2rsawseen,
 * Fee free to distribute and modify code, but keep reference to its creator
 * This can be used to display month calendars browsable using AJAX.
 * It can generate HTML and JavaScript to display a month calendar with
 * links to browse the months using AJAX to avoid page reloading.
 * For more information, examples and online documentation visit:
//This is an example with all possible calendar customizations like in custom_example.php only here calendar generation and ajax request are in different files
//This is a ajax request file
//With another difference, that here for example, we will use set_events method to pass array, not url_pattern for all days

//you should always sepecify timezone when dealing with date function like used in calendar

//declaring class instance
$calendar = new calendar();

//$_GET['ajax_calendar'] is set, it means request is beeing made by ajax to get days of other months or year
//make sure that you do not output anything to browser, so you won't mess json structure of calendar
//other parameters that are passed with this request are
//$_GET['date'] - for date
//$_GET['month'] - for month
//$_GET['year'] - for year
//$_GET['start'] - which day to start week with

    //set start month and year which is an oldest motnh to show
//set end month and year which is a newest motnh to show
//here for example, you can make request to database using values from $_GET['date'], $_GET['month'] and $_GET['year'] variables, to get urls for specific dates and pass the as array in set_events method
    //setting an example array with urls, where keys are the days of month and values are urls of that days for set_events method
$arr = array(1 => "#beginning_of_a_month", 30 => "#end_of_a_month");
//processing request and outputting json structure