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File: examples/example.deamon.php

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  Classes of Don Bauer   Power Process   examples/example.deamon.php   Download  
File: examples/example.deamon.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: Power Process
Create processes to PHP code in parallel
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 13 years ago
Size: 1,294 bytes


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// Include PowerProcess
require_once '../PowerProcess.class.php';

// Instance new PowerProcess class with 2 threads, 30 second timeout,
// as daemon with logging to daemonlog.txt
$pp = new PowerProcess(2,30,true,'daemonlog.txt',false);

// Write some stuff to the log file
$pp->Log("Greetings! I am a Daemon example!");
$pp->Log("My PID is " . $pp->GetPID());
$pp->Log("I am going to write some stuff to a file now.");

// Echo this so the user can see that the daemon is starting
// The echo lines will go to STOUT instead of the log file
echo "Daemon started with 2 threads...\n";
"You can run `tail -f daemonlog.txt` to follow my progress...\n";

// Generate some fake data
$data = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15);

// Start the control loop
while ($pp->RunControlCode()) {
// Check for data in the queue
if (count($data)) {
// Check if we can spawn
if ($pp->SpawnReady()) {
// Spawn a new thread
    } else {
// No more data - shutdown
$pp->Log("The daemon is now exiting...");

// Start the thread code
if ($pp->RunThreadCode()) {
// Just write some stuff and sleep
$pp->Log("This is " . $pp->WhoAmI() . " just saying hello world! Now to sleep for 5 seconds");