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File: Readme.txt

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File: Readme.txt
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Description: ReadMe File
Class: Sencryption
Encrypt, decrypt and hash arbitrary data
Author: By
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Date: 12 years ago
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The sencryption class is a PHP class used to create secure methods of encryption, decryption, and hashing. The class is currently version 0.1 which means it may still be a little buggy and be a little slow. Example: <?php include("senc.class.php"); $key="mykey"; $data="This is my secure string to be encrypted!"; $enc=new sencryption($key); $enc->load_ciphers(); $encrypted=$enc->sencrypt($data); $decrypted=$enc->sdecrypt($data); echo "Encrypted Data: ".$encrypted."<br>"; echo "Decrypted Data: ".$decrypted; ?> Explanation: Within the class there are only 4 useful functions which are described more in detail below. sencryption::load_ciphers($loc=""); The load_ciphers function must be called whenever you are going to perform any type of encryption or decryption. This function populates the ciphers array within the class with the needed encryption ciphers. The $loc variable here is in fact optional (you can leave it blank), or you may use it to specify the mcrypt library directory within your server or you can use it to specify a .txt file to read the cipher's from. NOTE: I would highly recommend loading the cipher's from a .txt file as if you obtain them from the server or from your mcrypt library's directory they may change when PHP or the mcrypt library is updated. Also, the positions of the ciphers within the array MUST remain the same if you wish to be able to correctly decrypt your data. sencryption::sencrypt($data); This function performs the actual encryption of data. Simply pass data along to it and it will return the data encrypted. sencryption::sdecrypt($data); This function performs the decryption of data. Pass the encrypted data to this function and it will return the plain text. sencryption::shash($data,$salt=NULL); This is the hashing function of the class and will securely hash data that is passed to it. The $salt variable is optional, although it is reccommended if you are using the class simply for encryption.