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File: weather/weathercore.php

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File: weather/weathercore.php
Role: Class source
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Description: core class
Class: PHP Weather
Show widgets of weather got from OpenWeathermap
Author: By
Last change: Update of weather/weathercore.php
Date: 11 months ago
Size: 20,197 bytes



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<?php /** * Weather widget class * All Documentation included in this document. * For further developer note please see the Weather.php class * * @version 1.0.1 * @author Samy Massoud <> * @link * * @tutorial * This class main functionality is to provide weather wedget to use it easily and smoothly. * You can use this class with almost zero configuration , or configure it as far as you need ! * * When i started to write this class i put in mind to make it easy,clean and professional as much as i can. * * To start using this class just do the following * 1- include attached weather.css file in your page. * 2- Make sure that you have embedded jquery version greater than 1.6 * 3- Include this class in your page and Make object from this class with required city * $weather = new weather ("Cairo,EG"); * echo $weather->get_weather (); * And you will get a copy from this widget with cairo weather ! * * To start using this class as codeigniter library * 1- include attached weather.css file in your page. * 2- Make sure that you have embedded jquery version greater than 1.6 * 3- Move weather.php to application/libraries folder * and you can load library by adding it to autoload.php or use * $this->load->library ('weather'); * and at any place in your application (Controller or view) * $this->weather->set_city ('Cairo,EG'); * echo $this->weather->get_weather (); * And you will get a copy from this widget with cairo weather ! * * */ class weather { /** * Available themes for weather class * @var array */ private $themes = array( 'blue' => 'theme-blue', 'darkblue' => 'theme-darkblue', 'green' => 'theme-green', 'black' => 'theme-black', 'darkred' => 'theme-darkred' ); /** * Default theme , or user selected theme * @var string */ private $theme = "theme-darkblue"; /** * Weather api link and weather forecast link * @var string */ private $weather_api = ""; private $forecast_api = ""; /** * City identifires , used to select city by name,id or lat. and lon. * @var string */ private $city = ""; private $city_id = ""; private $city_lat = ""; private $city_lon = ""; /** * Selected temperature measurement * @var string */ private $temp_metric = "c"; /** * Output type it can be empty or row for php array * @var string */ private $output = ""; /** * Cache folder , this is the dfault folder , user can change it using configuration * @var string */ private $cache_folder = "./cache/"; /** * Enable or disable cache * @var bool */ private $cache = false; /** * cache lifetime (By seconds) * @var integer */ private $cache_time = 600; /** * Widget dimention this is default values * @var integer */ private $width = 270; private $height = 248; /** * weather info after processing it * @var array */ private $weather_info = array(); /** * Widget languages,it can be extended by coping * for example 'En' array and translate it to any other language * @var array */ private $languages = array( 'en' => array( 'cannot_access' => "Can't Access Weather API", 'invalid_city_info' => "Please select valid city information", 'show_next_days' => "Show weather next three days", 'back_to_weather' => "Back to current weather details", 'weather' => 'Weather', 'weather_desc' => "Weather description", 'wind' => 'Wind', 'wind_degree' => 'Wind degree', 'humidity' => 'Humidity', 'pressure' => 'Pressure', 'hi' => 'HI', 'lo' => 'LO' ), 'it' => array( 'cannot_access' => "Impossibile accedere Meteo", 'invalid_city_info' => "Si prega di selezionare le informazioni citt� valida", 'show_next_days' => "Mostra previsioni prossimi tre giorni", 'back_to_weather' => "Torna a correnti dettagli meteo", 'weather' => 'Meteo', 'weather_desc' => "descrizione Meteo", 'wind' => 'vento', 'wind_degree' => 'grado Vento', 'humidity' => 'umidit�', 'pressure' => 'pressione', 'hi' => 'alto', 'lo' => 'basso' ), 'fr' => array( 'cannot_access' => "Impossible d'acc�der � l'API M�t�o", 'invalid_city_info' => "S'il vous pla�t s�lectionner l'information de la ville valide", 'show_next_days' => "Montrez temps trois prochains jours", 'back_to_weather' => "Retour aux d�tails m�t�orologiques actuelles", 'weather' => 'm�t�o', 'weather_desc' => "Description m�t�o", 'wind' => 'vent', 'wind_degree' => 'Degr� de Vent', 'humidity' => 'humidit�', 'pressure' => 'pression', 'hi' => 'haut', 'lo' => 'faible' ),//António Lourenço 'pt' => array( 'cannot_access' => "Impossivel aceder a 'API Meteorologia", 'invalid_city_info' => "Selecione uma cidade válida", 'show_next_days' => " Previsão nos próximos três dias", 'back_to_weather' => "Voltar à previsão de hoje", 'weather' => 'Meteorologia', 'weather_desc' => "Previsão meteorológica", 'wind' => 'Vento', 'wind_degree' => 'Orientação do vento', 'humidity' => 'Húmidade', 'pressure' => 'Pressão atmosférica', 'hi' => 'Alta', 'lo' => 'Baixa' ) ); //Available API Languages ' don't modify private $api_lang = array('en', 'it', 'ru', 'fr', 'ua', 'de', 'pt', 'ro', 'pl', 'fi', 'nl', 'sp', 'bg', 'se', 'zh_tw', 'zh_cn', 'tr'); /** * Selected language for api and widget * @var string */ private $lang = 'en'; private $lang_api = 'en'; /** * Construct weather widget you can provide any configration you want * Click right # to see more * @example $config = array ('theme' => 'blue', * 'city' => 'cairo,eg', * 'temp_metrics' => 'f'); * $weather = new weather ($config); * * @param type array */ public function __construct($config = null) { if (is_array($config)) { foreach ($config as $key => $value) { //Set Theme if ($key == "theme" && isset($this->themes[$value])) { $this->theme = $this->themes[$value]; } //Set City Name if ($key == 'city') { $this->city = $value; $this->file_name = $this->city; } if ($key == 'city_id') { $this->city_id = $value; $this->file_name = $this->city_id; } if ($key == 'city_lat') { $this->city_lat = $value; $this->file_name = $this->city_lat; } if ($key == 'city_lon') { $this->city_lon = $value; $this->file_name .= '_'.$this->city_lon; } //Set Tempereature Metrics if ($key == 'temp_metrics' && ($value == "c" || $value == 'f')) { $this->temp_metric = $value; } if ($key == "lang" && (isset($this->languages[$value]) || in_array($value, $this->api_lang))) { if (isset($this->languages[$value])) { $this->lang = $value; } if (in_array($value, $this->api_lang)) { $this->lang_api = $value; } } //Set Output if ($key == "output" && ($value == "row")) { $this->output = "row"; } } } else { $this->city = $config; //City Name } } // Start Setter Functions /** * set city by it's name or id or lat. and lon. * @param type string * @param type integer * @param type decimal * @param type decimal */ public function set_city($name = null, $id = null, $lat = null, $lon = null) { if ($name) { $this->city = $name; $this->city_id = null; $this->city_lat = null; $this->city_lon = null; $this->file_name = $this->city; } if ($id) { $this->city_id = $id; $this->city = null; $this->city_lat = null; $this->city_lon = null; $this->file_name = $this->city_id; } if ($lat && $lon) { $this->city_lat = $lat; $this->city_lon = $lon; $this->city_id = null; $this->city = null; $this->file_name = $this->city_lat."_".$this->city_lon; } } /** * Set Theme * * @param type string */ public function set_theme($theme) { if (isset($this->themes[$theme])) { $this->theme = $this->themes[$theme]; } } /** * Set temp. metrics * @param type char */ public function set_temp_metrics($metrics = 'c') { if ($metrics == 'c' || $metrics == 'f') $this->temp_metric = $metrics; } /** * Set language * @param type string */ public function set_lang($lang) { if (isset($this->languages[$lang])) { $this->lang = $lang; } if (in_array($lang, $this->api_lang)) { $this->lang_api = $lang; } } /** * Set widget dimention * @param type integer * @param type integer */ public function set_dimention($width, $height) { if ($width > 270) $this->width = $width; if ($height > 248) $this->height = $height; } /** * Set output type accept empty string or word 'row' * @param type string */ public function set_output($out = "") { if ($out == "row") { $this->output = "row"; } } /** * set cache time and folder and this will enable cache * you have to provide cache time greater than 0 second * and cache folder name is optional , if you didn't provide it * it will use default cache folder * @param type integer * @param type string */ public function set_cache($cache_time, $cache_folder = false) { if ($cache_time > 0) { $this->cache = TRUE; $this->cache_time = $cache_time; if ($cache_folder) $this->cache_folder = $cache_folder; } } /** * Stop caching */ public function disable_cache() { $this->cache = FALSE; } /** * get weather widget or row array according to your config * $this->weather_info['rain'] array is available if any rain data available * AND it's array:) * Thank's for Ray <> * @return type */ public function get_weather() { if (!$this->city && !$this->city_id && (!$this->city_lat && !$this->city_lon)) return $this->languages[$this->lang]['invalid_city_info']; //City Detrmine method $search_q = ""; if ($this->city) { $search_q = "q=" . $this->city; } elseif ($this->city_id) { $search_q = "id=" . $this->city_id; } else { $search_q = "lat=" . $this->city_lat . "&lon=" . $this->city_lon; } $read_cache = $this->read_wether(); if ($read_cache) { $weather = true; } else { $weather = @file_get_contents($this->weather_api . $search_q . '&lang=' . $this->lang_api); } if ($weather) { if (!$read_cache) { $weather_forecast = @file_get_contents($this->forecast_api . $search_q . '&lang=' . $this->lang_api); $weather = json_decode($weather); $weather_forecast = json_decode($weather_forecast); //print_r($weather_forecast); if (isset($weather->message)) return ($weather->message); //Extract Weather $this->extract_weather($weather, $weather_forecast); } if ($this->output == "row") { return $this->weather_info; } //Else return markup return $this->markup(); } else { return $this->languages[$this->lang]['cannot_access']; } } //Private Methods /** * extract weather to weather info * @param type object * @param type object */ private function extract_weather($weather, $weather_forecast) { //Normal Weather data $this->weather_info['place'] = $weather->name . (($weather->name) ? ',' : '' ) . $weather->sys->country; $this->weather_info['icon'] = $weather->weather[0]->icon; $this->weather_info['weather_main'] = $weather->weather[0]->main; $this->weather_info['weather_description'] = $weather->weather[0]->description; $this->weather_info['temp_c'] = round($weather->main->temp, 1); $this->weather_info['temp_c_accurate'] = ($weather->main->temp); $this->weather_info['temp_f'] = round((9 / 5) * $weather->main->temp, 1) + 32; $this->weather_info['temp_f_accurate'] = ((9 / 5) * $weather->main->temp) + 32; $this->weather_info['temp'] = (($this->temp_metric == 'c') ? $this->weather_info['temp_c'] : $this->weather_info['temp_f']); $this->weather_info['symbol'] = (($this->temp_metric == 'c') ? 'C' : 'F'); $this->weather_info['humidity'] = $weather->main->humidity; $this->weather_info['wind_speed'] = $weather->wind->speed; $this->weather_info['rain'] = (isset($weather->rain)) ? (array)$weather->rain : false; //Aditinal info $this->weather_info['wind_degree'] = $weather->wind->deg; $this->weather_info['pressure'] = $weather->main->pressure; $this->weather_info['lat'] = $weather->coord->lat; $this->weather_info['lon'] = $weather->coord->lon; //Forecast Data For Next Three days $forecaster = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $forecaster[$i]['day'] = date('D', $weather_forecast->list[$i]->dt); $forecaster[$i]['month'] = date('M d', $weather_forecast->list[$i]->dt); $forecaster[$i]['min_temp_c'] = round($weather_forecast->list[$i]->temp->min, 1); $forecaster[$i]['min_temp_f'] = round((9 / 5) * $weather_forecast->list[$i]->temp->min, 1) + 32; $forecaster[$i]['max_temp_c'] = round($weather_forecast->list[$i]->temp->max, 1); $forecaster[$i]['max_temp_f'] = round((9 / 5) * $weather_forecast->list[$i]->temp->max, 1) + 32; $forecaster[$i]['temp_max'] = (($this->temp_metric == 'c') ? $forecaster[$i]['max_temp_c'] : $forecaster[$i]['max_temp_f']); $forecaster[$i]['temp_min'] = (($this->temp_metric == 'c') ? $forecaster[$i]['min_temp_c'] : $forecaster[$i]['min_temp_f']); $forecaster[$i]['symbol'] = (($this->temp_metric == 'c') ? 'C' : 'F'); $forecaster[$i]['weather_main'] = $weather_forecast->list[$i]->weather[0]->main; $forecaster[$i]['icon'] = $weather_forecast->list[$i]->weather[0]->icon; } //Append To weather info $this->weather_info['forecast'] = $forecaster; //IF Cache enabled,save data to file if ($this->cache) { $this->save_weather($this->weather_info); } } /** * save weather to cache * @param type array */ private function save_weather($weather) { $weather_json = json_encode($weather); $file = $this->cache_folder . $this->file_name . '.txt'; $handle = @fopen($file, 'w'); if ($handle) { fwrite($handle, $weather_json); fclose($handle); } } /** * load weather from cache * @return boolean */ private function read_wether() { $file = $this->cache_folder . $this->file_name . '.txt'; if (file_exists($file)) { if (((time() - $this->cache_time) > filemtime($file)) || !$this->cache) return false; //This file is not fresh or cache disabled $handle = @fopen($file, 'r'); if ($handle) { $json_weather = fread($handle, filesize($file)); $this->weather_info = json_decode($json_weather, true); /** CHECK FOR METRICS AND FIX IT * */ if ($this->temp_metric == "c") { $this->weather_info['temp'] = $this->weather_info['temp_c']; $this->weather_info['symbol'] = 'C'; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $this->weather_info['forecast'][$i]['temp_min'] = $this->weather_info['forecast'][$i]['min_temp_c']; $this->weather_info['forecast'][$i]['temp_max'] = $this->weather_info['forecast'][$i]['max_temp_c']; $this->weather_info['forecast'][$i]['symbol'] = 'C'; } } else { $this->weather_info['temp'] = $this->weather_info['temp_f']; $this->weather_info['symbol'] = 'F'; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $this->weather_info['forecast'][$i]['temp_min'] = $this->weather_info['forecast'][$i]['min_temp_f']; $this->weather_info['forecast'][$i]['temp_max'] = $this->weather_info['forecast'][$i]['max_temp_f']; $this->weather_info['forecast'][$i]['symbol'] = 'F'; } } fclose($handle); return true; } } return false; } /** * Get weather markup(Widget) * @return string */ private function markup() { $next_weather = $this->languages[$this->lang]['show_next_days']; $back_weather = $this->languages[$this->lang]['back_to_weather']; $markup = '<div class="widget" style="width:' . $this->width . 'px;height:' . $this->height . 'px"> <div class="upper"> <div class="degree-box"> <div class="temp"> <h2 class="title"><span class="update">' . $this->weather_info['temp'] . '<sup>o</sup>' . $this->weather_info['symbol'] . '</span></h2></div> <div class="place update ' . $this->theme . '-place">' . $this->weather_info['place'] . '</div></div> <div id="change-weather" onclick="change_weather($(this))" show-ul="weather-forecast" class="change-weather next-icon" title="' . $next_weather . '"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="lower ' . $this->theme . '-lower"> <ul id="weather-info" class="infos-w"> <li class="info-w weather"><h2 class="title"><span class="weather-bg" title="' . $this->languages[$this->lang]['weather'] . '"></span></h2> <span class="update">' . $this->weather_info['weather_main'] . '</span> <h2 class="title"><span><img title="' . $this->languages[$this->lang]['weather_desc'] . '" src="' . $this->weather_info['icon'] . '.png" /></span></h2> <span class="update">' . $this->weather_info['weather_description'] . '</span></li> <li class="info-w wind"><h2 class="title"><span class="wind-bg" title="' . $this->languages[$this->lang]['wind'] . '"></span></h2> <span class="update">' . $this->weather_info['wind_speed'] . 'm/s</span> <h2><span class="wind-degree" title="' . $this->languages[$this->lang]['wind_degree'] . '"></span></h2><p class="update">' . $this->weather_info['wind_degree'] . '<sup>o</sup></p></li> <li class="info-w"><h2 class="title"><span class="humidity" title="' . $this->languages[$this->lang]['humidity'] . '"></span></h2> <p class="update">' . $this->weather_info['humidity'] . '%</p> <h2><span class="pressure" title="' . $this->languages[$this->lang]['pressure'] . '"></span> </h2><p class="update">' . $this->weather_info['pressure'] . ' hPa</p></li></ul>'; $inner_li = ""; foreach ($this->weather_info['forecast'] as $weather) { $inner_li .= '<li class="info-w"><h2 class="title">' . $weather['day'] . '</h2><h3>' . $weather['month'] . '</h3> <span class="main update"> <img title="' . $weather['weather_main'] . '" src="' . $weather['icon'] . '" /></span> <br/><span class="des update">' . $this->languages[$this->lang]['hi'] . ': ' . $weather['temp_max'] . '<sup>o</sup>' . $weather['symbol'] . '<br/> ' . $this->languages[$this->lang]['lo'] . ': ' . $weather['temp_min'] . '<sup>o</sup>' . $weather['symbol'] . '</span></li>'; } $markup .= '<ul style="display:none" id="weather-forecast" class="infos-w">' . $inner_li . '</ul></div></div>'; //JAVASCRIPT $markup .= '<script type="text/javascript"> function change_weather (sender){ var elm = sender.attr("show-ul"); var next_elm = ""; if(elm == "weather-forecast"){ next_elm = "weather-info"; sender.removeClass("next-icon"); sender.addClass("back-icon"); sender.prop("title","' . $back_weather . '"); } else { next_elm = "weather-forecast"; sender.removeClass("back-icon"); sender.addClass("next-icon"); sender.prop("title","' . $next_weather . '"); } //Set element next item sender.attr("show-ul",next_elm); sender.parent().parent().find("#"+next_elm).slideUp("slow"); sender.parent().parent().find("#"+elm).slideDown("slow"); } </script>'; return $markup; } }