* SlimDb
* Provides a database wrapper around the PDO and PDO statement that
* help to reduce the effort to interact with a database.
* @author Marcelo Entraigas <[email protected]>
* @license MIT
* @filesource
* Custom methods for Sqlite databases
return array(
// Initialize default driver settings after Database contructor
'init' => function($index){
self::wrapper($index, '[%s]');
// Function to setup default charset
'connect' => function ($index, $config){
// List all tables.
'schemaDb' => function ($index){
$tables = self::query($index, "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")->getAll();
$data = array();
foreach($tables as $item){
$data[] = (string) $item['name'];
return $data;
// Describe table structure.
'schemaTable' => function ($index, $table){
$retval = array();
$table = self::quote($index, $table);
$raw_data = self::query($index, "PRAGMA table_info({$table})")->getAll();
foreach($raw_data as $item)
$row = array();
$row['TABLE'] = trim($table,'[]');
$row['FIELD'] = $item['name'];
$row['TYPE'] = $item['type'];
if(stristr ($item['type'],'INT')){
$row['TYPE'] = 'integer';
} elseif(preg_match('[FLOA|DOUB|REAL|NUME|DECI]',$item['type'])){
$row['TYPE'] = 'float';
} elseif(preg_match('[CLOB|CHAR|TEXT]',$item['type'])){
$row['TYPE'] = 'string';
if( preg_match('@\((.+)\)@',$item['type'], $tmp) )
$row['LENGTH'] = isset($tmp[1])? $tmp[1] : NULL;
$row['DEFAULT'] = $item['dflt_value'];
$row['PRIMARY'] = ($item['pk']=='1')? true : false;
$row['NULLABLE'] = ($item['notnull']=='1')? true : false;
//$row['IDENTITY'] = false; //todo...
$retval[] = $row;
return $retval;
// Build a limit clause
'limit' => function( $index, $offset = 0, $limit = 0 ){
$offset = (int) $offset;
$limit = (int) $limit;
if( $offset==0 && $limit==0 )
throw new \Exception("Database Error: invalid parameters in query (offset={$offset} - limit= {$limit} - driver {$db->type}).");
if( $offset<0 )
throw new \Exception("Database Error: invalid <offset> parameter in query (offset={$offset} - driver {$db->type}).");
if( $limit<0 )
throw new \Exception("Database Error: missing <limit> parameter in query (limit= {$limit} - driver {$db->type}).");
if( $offset>0 && $limit>0 )
return " LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit}";
if( $offset==0 && $limit>0 )
return " LIMIT {$limit}";
//return query num rows
'numRows' => function ($index, $sql, $params){
$sql_count = "SELECT count(*) FROM ({$sql}) AS tmp";
return (int) self::query($index, $sql_count, $params)->getVal();