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Subject:I see what you are saying but I have...
Summary:Does this apply to games or entertainment software projects?
Author:Mike Darnell
Date:2016-07-04 18:28:11
Update:2016-07-05 06:14:02


  1. I see what you are saying but I have...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Mike Darnell Mike Darnell - 2016-07-05 06:06:11
I would be curious which category games software or entertainment products would fall into - are they "vitamins" or "pain killers" in your view Manuel Lemos?

  2. Re: I see what you are saying but I have...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2016-07-05 06:14:02 - In reply to message 1 from Mike Darnell
Well designed games create habits on the players, so they are definitely pain-killers that started as vitamins. You will understand better how that works once I explain how to create a habit on your users.