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php7.2 Compatibility - MCRYPT

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Subject:php7.2 Compatibility - MCRYPT
Summary:Problems under php7.2
Date:2018-08-11 05:25:02


  1. php7.2 Compatibility - MCRYPT   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of James James - 2018-08-11 05:25:02
I've been using your great forms class for many years. It's time to update my php instances and figured i would go the 7.2 route. While doing some testing, i noticed none of my form submit inputs were appearing (using form_secure_submit.php). A closer look shows form_secure_submit.php requires mcrypt, which is no longer in php7.2. Any plans on updating the class to use openssl in lieu of mcrypt?

  2. Re: php7.2 Compatibility - MCRYPT   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2018-08-15 11:47:35 - In reply to message 1 from James
Sure that would be a good idea. I have not yet investigated how to write a replacement for the code that uses mcrypt because I need some time.

Anyway you can implement a workaround that would consist in extending the form_secure_submit_class with a sub-class that you create with a class that you would write by overriding the EncryptValidation and DecryptValidation classes.

Then you could share that code so I can incorporate your replacement sooner and all users can benefit from your colaboration.

Would you like to do that? Just let me know if you need help to do it.