PHP Classes

What Do I Do Now?

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Subject:What Do I Do Now?
Summary:So I downloaded the package I have no idea what to do.
Author:charlie elliott
Date:2016-05-03 17:02:09


  1. What Do I Do Now?   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of charlie elliott charlie elliott - 2016-05-03 17:02:09
I know I have my dumb hat on ... but ... so I downloaded the class unzipped it to a directory. Looked at the directory.

I found some documentation but don't understand it.

I looked around and it appears that you somehow create a template and then use that template to generate a form?

What is step 1 -- should this directory be available to IIS?

Is there a WYSIWYG editor to create the page, the template? I do not even know how to ask the question. I looked at the blog and dated a few years ago is the announcement of a editor. It had a link (2 actually) and when I went to that link more of the same. A website with no instructions and like the everything else is in a language that assumes people already know how to use the class.

Am I just confused, am I missing something obvious? Please help me.


  2. Re: What Do I Do Now?   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2016-05-03 20:15:57 - In reply to message 1 from charlie elliott
This is a PHP class, so obviously all code that uses it is in PHP, so you just need to look at the example scripts for instance starting with the Example tab. It contains an example script with comments that should get you started quickly. ...

If you prefer a tutorial, there is this old but still current video tutorial. It is long but it has links for you to jump to different sections. I apologise for the sound volume that is a bit low, so you need to amplify your audio enough to listen clearly. ...