PHP Classes

Easier AddInput and AddLabelPart

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Subject:Easier AddInput and AddLabelPart
Summary:Using a string as argument, with default options
Author:Sebastian Wais
Date:2006-09-27 13:18:50
Update:2006-09-27 17:47:27


  1. Easier AddInput and AddLabelPart   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Sebastian Wais Sebastian Wais - 2006-09-27 13:18:50
Hi Manuel

I was wandering if is posible to make easier to use this class by fgivin a string and assuming the more common options.

For Example

Could be parsed as the same as
'name' => 'any_input',
'id' => 'any_input',
'type' => 'text',
'label' => 'Any Input'

just assuming the strings as text, using the string for id and name and replacing "_" for " ", and ucwords for presentation...

Maybe, if its posible, if this input "WasSubmitted" also getting the value.
And maybe also assume it is a mandatory field.

I think this is the most common input in any form, so it would be much easier and faster.

Also I had the same idea for AddLabelPart, 'cause I usually use
AddLabelPart(array("FOR" => "field_name"))

It could be


  2. Re: Easier AddInput and AddLabelPart   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2006-09-27 17:47:27 - In reply to message 1 from Sebastian Wais
What you want can be achieved mostly with additional functions, rather than replacements. Any changes need to be backwards compatible to not break current developers' code.

I could add such functions to the current class, but I am avoiding adding more code to the class as it is already too large. So, for now, I only add new features. What you want is just a different interface for the same functions, not really new features. I hope you understand.

I suggest that you create your own sub-class of the forms class and add your alternative interface functions. This way you can have the interface you would like without increasing further the size of the main class.