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How to Use a PHP Business Rules Engine to Customize Rules of Operation of a Business Using the Package Brick Engine: Scripting language to implement business rules

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brick-engine 1.0MIT/X Consortium ...7Parsers, PHP 7, Business


This package provides a scripting language to implement business rules.

It implements an engine that can parse the code of the Brick language, which is defined as strings.

The engine allows applications to define PHP callback functions that are used to implement functions of the Brick language.

It also allows to assign values to variables that can be accessed by code in the Brick language when it is executed by the Brick engine.

Picture of Isa Eken
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 14x




require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


$contents = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/examples/code.txt');

$engine = new BrickEngine();
$engine->context = new Context([
'asd' => new Value(ValueType::Numeric, 123),
], [
'asd' => function (Context $context) use ($engine): Value {
$arguments = array_map(function ($argument) use ($context) {
$value = array_reduce($arguments, fn ($a, $b) => $a + $b, 0);

        return new
Value(ValueType::Numeric, $value);
'echo' => function (Context $context) use ($engine): Value {
        foreach (
$context->arguments as $argument) {
sprintf("%s\n", $engine->context->value($argument)->data));

        return new

$result = $engine->run($contents);



BrickEngine is a simple, flexible, and extensible script engine written in PHP. It allows you to manage custom business rules, e-commerce discounts, automation scenarios, or any workflow you define without "changing code."

> Status: The project is still in development and may not yet be fully ready for production use. > Support Us: If you like the project, please star it or contribute to support its development.

Why Choose BrickEngine?


  • Dynamic Scripting Language: BrickEngine supports a wide range of operations through its flexible scripting language.
  • Easy Extensibility: You can add your own functions (e.g., `apply_discount`, `dump`, `json_decode`) and variables to the context. All functions and variables must be explicitly defined and bound to BrickEngine.
  • API & External Integrations: Whether for e-commerce, payment systems, or microservices, you can utilize scripts to make external API calls.
  • Clean and Readable Syntax: Easily perform conditional operations using simple `if` structures, loops, and assignments.
  • Performance and Flexibility: Centralize and manage your business rules to avoid complex branching and if-else chains.
  • Support for Various Data Types: Operate on different data types, such as strings, numbers, booleans, and arrays.
  • Loop and Conditional Structures: Includes support for control structures like `while`, `if-else`, and `for` loops.


Via Composer

composer require isaeken/brick-engine

Quick Start

The example below demonstrates a simple script that applies a discount if the cart total exceeds 100 units and then processes an e-commerce scenario by fetching a response from an external API.


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use IsaEken\BrickEngine\BrickEngine;

$script = <<<BRICK
if (cart['total'] > 100) {
    return "You have a discount!";

response = fetch('');
response = json_decode(response);
return response['message'];

$engine = new BrickEngine();

// Define functions to be used within the script
$engine->context->functions['apply_discount'] = function () {
    $this->context->cart['total'] -= 10; // Apply a discount of 10 units

// Define variables to be used in the script
$engine->context->variables['cart'] = ['total' => 120];

$result = $engine->run($script)->value->data;
echo $result; // "You have a discount!" or API message

How It Works

  1. The `BrickEngine` class interprets and executes the script.
  2. Functions in the `context->functions` array can be directly accessed within the script.
  3. The `context->variables` array defines variables that can be accessed in the script, such as `cart['total']`.

Running in Docker

You can run the example script in a Docker container using the following commands:

docker build -t brick-engine .
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/app brick-engine ./examples/example.bee

Use Cases

  • E-Commerce Rules: Create dynamic business rules for cart totals, shipping cost calculations, or payment steps.
  • Form Validation / Workflow: Process user inputs and direct them to different scenarios.
  • Content Management: Apply dynamic rule sets for news, blogs, or similar content platforms.
  • API & Microservice Integration: Manage external API calls based on specific conditions (e.g., order confirmation, payment processing).
  • Game / Application Logic: Manage simple rule sets for game servers or create rapid prototypes using mini-scripts within applications.


Read the full file for more details on the project's future development plans.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more information, see the file.

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