PHP Classes

Printing page setting dynamically: Need to print page setting options dynamically

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Printing page setting dynamically

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Picture of ramesh by ramesh - 1 year ago (2015-01-12)

Need to print page setting options dynamically

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I have developed PHP based desktop application.

My application printing page hides the dialog box and prints directly but I need to change the setting to print in landscape or portrait defined dynamically maybe using VBScript or JavaScript code.

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1 Recommendation

PHP Print: Abstraction for printing documents

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 11100 - 1 year ago (2015-01-27) Comment

There is this printing abstraction class that does not seem to support setting the printing orientation directly but may be adapted for your needs.

Now if you you running that PHP application on Windows, you may trying using the PHP printer extension. It comes with a function named printer_set_option that you can set the PRINTER_ORIENTATION option to either PRINTER_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT or PRINTER_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE. Then you can create your own user interface to let the user change that option.

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